
P1 Enrolment at Sgoil nan Loch—General Information

Enrolment for the coming August intake for P1 will usually take place at the beginning of February. The exact date will be advertised in the Stornoway Gazette and on CNES social media.
Children who will be four years old before the last day of February are eligible for P1 enrolment. Enrolment is now done online, with a link available from the school office. Parents should have their child’s birth certificate ready at the time of enrolment as a copy will be kept on file. 

In addition to ongoing transition activities, there will be an official transition event during term 4 when the pre-school children are invited to participate in classroom lessons with our current P1-2 pupils. This will give the children an opportunity to get to know their prospective teachers and experience a little more of the classroom’s atmosphere.

An induction evening will be arranged in May or June when parents will get an opportunity to speak to teachers and view teaching resources. During this informal session, parents will have an opportunity to ask questions or air concerns.

If parents wish to enrol their child in the school at other points during the year, or they have a child who is older than P1, they should contact the school office for further information.

The new school session for pupils will start on Thursday 18 August 2022.

  • School times are 9.10am—3.25pm. Morning break for younger pupils is from 10.40-10.55 and for older pupils from 11.00—11.15am. Lunch is served in staggered increments, starting with P1 at 12.10pm and for older pupils from 12.30pm.  Children may wish to bring a snack for the morning interval.
  • Menus are given out to children every Friday, for parents to discuss options with their children. We operate a cashless cafeteria, with invoices being sent out from CNES. Packed lunch is also an option.
  • School uniform (jumper, cardigan, hoodie, t-shirt, polo shirt) should be worn along with dark trousers or skirts and black shoes. Please write your child’s name on all items of school uniform.
  • If your child is absent, please contact the school office on the first day of absence. If you wish to take your child out of school for a particular reason, please request a Pupil Absence Form.
  • The school uses Seesaw as a communication tool between teachers and parents. Details of homework and class activities will be posted on this platform and parents can also use this as a way of contacting teachers about any concerns or changes to pupils’ end of day arrangements.
  • You will be advised at the start of the session on which day PE will be taking place. Your child should have the following PE kit: School t-shirt, black shorts and gym shoes. All PE kit should be named.
  • Parental consent is required for the administration of any medicines in school. A form is available from the school office. Pupils who suffer from asthma are asked to bring in a spare inhaler and spacer which will be held in the school’s Medical Room in the event of it being required.
  • Should the school have to close unexpectedly, all parents will be notified by a Groupcall text message and e-mail. On receipt of message, we will ask parents to contact the school to confirm that someone is at home to receive their child off the school bus.
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