Person and Social Development Policy

Personal and Social Development is central to the educational entitlement of all pupils at Sgoil nan Loch, and permeates all aspects of school life. It is an integral part of the whole curriculum.

The way the curriculum is managed, its organisation and the varying teaching styles used are central to the school’s philosophy and ethos, its aims, attitudes and values. All contribute to the personal and social development of children in school.

Through a variety of learning experiences Sgoil nan Loch helps each pupil;

  • To think and act for him/her self
  • Acquire personal qualities and values
  • Take his/her place in a wide range of roles in preparation for adult life
  • Develop confidence and independence
  • Value and respect him/her self and value others
  • To know him/her self better and think well of him/her self
  • To develop social skills
  • Value and respect belongings, living things and the environment
  • Be able to share and cooperate

In planning the curriculum, teachers at Sgoil nan Loch provide:

  • A clear, consistent framework of values in which to work, supported and agreed by all
  • Supportive relationships between teacher and pupil , pupil and pupil
  • A classroom climate which encourages all children to explore, become independent learners and encourages a high level of interest

Opportunities for development outside the classroom situation through responsibilities, extra-curricular activities and educational visits

All staff encourage positive approaches to behaviour and our discipline policy reflects this. It sets clear guidelines for both parent and child.

We provide opportunities for personal and social development through a variety of strategies:

  • Individual, peer group and collaborative group work
  • Discussion and role play
  • Involvement in a range of problem solving activities
  • Preparation and presentation of tasks for different audiences
  • Positive self-assessment
  • Positive marking, with verbal and written comments

Through our general routines, in and out of the classroom, and the way in which individuals relate to each other, pupils are encouraged to form their own attitudes and values. By building positive working relationships between pupils and staff, all members of our school family are valued as individuals. They learn to see the need for good manners, self-discipline and appropriate behaviour in whatever situation they find themselves in.

A Personal Learning Plan for each child provides a means of recognising each child’s personal and social development. They reflect the whole child and include achievements in and out of school. They value each child’s comments and choice of work, and give the child, teachers and parents a chance to reflect on the positive aspects of development. At Sgoil nan Loch we will be encouraging pupils to take the first steps in compiling their Personal Learning Plan. At this point, this has been initiated with secondary pupils, the intention is to develop this throughout the school.

Sgoil nan Loch provides opportunities for parents, the community and outside agencies to contribute to the personal and social development of its children through their active involvement in the life and philosophy of the school.

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