Care And Welfare Policy

1) Philosophy
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar believes that every child is valued for his or her own uniqueness and that effective personal care is the right of everyone. Comhairle nan Eilean Siar will ensure that the rights, needs and choices of individuals will be respected and valued through effective pastoral care.

2) Aims
In light of Scottish Executive Reports, it is intended through a multi agency approach to :

  • Improve service integration.
  • Improve learning.
  • Improve social welfare.
  • Improve health.
  • Raise attainment.
  • Raise attendance and reduce exclusion.
  • Promote positive behaviour.

At Sgoil nan Loch, all staff are concerned with the care and welfare of all pupils. A caring environment is a good learning environment. Pupils who feel safe in a secure, caring learning environment are more able to fulfil their educational potential.

3) Procedures

  • We will periodically conduct an audit of existing policies relating to Care and Welfare to review the effectiveness of our arrangements for Care and Welfare ( using Quality Indicators ) We will identify any gaps or weaknesses and will take steps to address any shortfall in provision.
  • The aims of the school will include an appropriate focus on the Care and Welfare of pupils and on expectations regarding their personal, social and academic development.
  • Staff, pupils and parents / carers will be involved in all significant decisions which affect them. They will be consulted about and informed of policy concerning positive behaviour. We will promote a positive ethos of achievement by focussing on the creation and maintenance of good relationships between all parties. Policies which promote and encourage positive behaviour and participation lie at the heart of building good relationships both in school and at home.
  • Parents / Carers, pupils and staff will be made aware through the school brochures, assemblies, posters and PSD lessons of the expectations, rules and rewards contained in policy statements. They will be made aware that these will be applied consistently.
  • The School Council will be the forum where pupils share their views openly and participate in relevant decision making. It will meet on a regular basis to allow pupils to take part in decision making on issues which concern them. Through the School Council, pupils will be consulted on school policies and also on the priorities for the School Development Plan.
  • Our school will ensure that a variety of approaches are used to communicate with parents / carers.
  • Where necessary and if possible, Guidance, Behavioural Support and Learning Support will act under one umbrella to ensure the most integrated approach.
  • Our school will have a designated member of staff responsible for the Care and Welfare of ‘ looked after children ‘
  • Staff will be given opportunities, wherever and whenever possible, to participate in multidisciplinary training with a view to adopting best practice and effective strategies for dealing with children with difficulties ( social, emotional, educational or behavioural)  Appropriate information on matters relating to the care and welfare of all children will be available to all involved in the care and welfare of children. ( e.g classroom teachers, support staff, related professionals )
  • A clear mechanism for ensuring effective multidisciplinary working will be established.

4) Key Features of a Secure, Caring, Learning Environment
To achieve our aims, the school will enter into a joint problem solving approach with parents / carers, other professionals and, where appropriate, with the children and young people , to create a happy, secure, caring environment which encourages effective learning and teaching to take place. Such an environment can be recognised by certain essential features such as :

  • Responsibilities for Pupil Care and Welfare being clear.
  • The needs of pupils being identified and met.
  • Lines of communication and referral being clear and efficient.

5) Related Policies
There are many important policies and statements which relate to Care and Welfare.

Prevention of Bullying Procedures.
Promoting Positive Behaviour.
Equal Opportunities / Racism.
Child Protection Procedures.
Health and Safety.
Support for Learning.
Teaching and Learning.
Personal and Social Development Programme.
Guidance programme.
Careers Guidance.
Procedures relating to Sex Education.
Complaints Procedures.
Exclusion Procedures.
Support for Bereavement.
Dress Code.
Health Promotion.
Procedures involving out of school activities.
Supervision Procedures.
Induction Procedures.
Security Procedures.

This policy endorses the principles and procedures in these other school and local authority statements which relate to pupil care and welfare.

6) Responsibilities
To ensure the needs of children and young people are met, there will have to be partnership working involving parents / carers/ education / social work/ health / voluntary organisations.

  • School Staff will be expected to take collective responsibility for children in all parts of the school and for ensuring good behaviour anywhere on the school campus.
  • Any significant concerns in respect of pupil care and welfare will be shared with parents. The effectiveness of this partnership will be monitored by responsible school staff and any matter not resolved will be referred in the first instance to the Headteacher for discussion and on going liaison with the aim of resolving the problem. After consultation with parents / guardians the matter may be referred to outside agencies such as Social Work, Psychological Services.
  • Pupils subject to joint care / supervision. Where there is a pre existing shared responsibility with an outside agency such as the Social Work Department, the school will keep all parties informed of any concerns for pupil welfare. The school will have a designated person who will maintain an overview of looked after children’s progress and will take responsibility for ensuring appropriate measures are in place for supporting their education. This person will ensure that there is effective communication between the school, carers and other agencies ( e.g Social Work, Health, Educational Psychology ) on matters relating to agreed plans and targets relating to attendance, homework, after school activities etc. Looked after children may live in foster homes, with relatives, friends, in community placements, residential units or schools ; most commonly, they live at home under supervision.
  • Our Parent Council will have a responsibility for involving all parents and carers in the life of the school, thereby enhancing the quality of the school experience for the children.

7) Lines of Referral
As a general rule, lines of communication must be clear, direct, understood and used consistently by all within the school community. In dealing with pupil care and welfare, school staff, both teaching and non teaching, have a central role in ensuring that care and welfare concerns are dealt with.

  • Classroom Management. Classroom teachers will be responsible for maintaining good order and discipline in their own classroom. This is an essential requirement for the creation of a secure, happy learning environment. It will be the responsibility of the school to ensure that there is consistency in the way disciplinary matters are dealt with in the classroom. However, even when the matter is referred on, the classroom teacher will still be seen as the lead person.
  • Non teaching staff should take a note of incidents observed and information received. They should not attempt to deal with suspected serious care and welfare concerns themselves but refer the matter to the Headteacher or other senior member of staff.
  • Persistent difficult behaviour will be dealt with in accordance with the procedures laid out in our Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy.
  • Classroom teachers will refer any serious concerns about a child’s learning, behaviour, health or welfare to the Headteacher. These concerns should be made in writing.
  • The Headteacher will be responsible for contacting any external services in the event that problems cannot be resolved within the school.
  • The Headteacher is also responsible for monitoring interviews, referrals and reports made in respect of pupil care and welfare.
  • Referral forms provided by the Local Authority are used to inform Psychological Services of any learning or behavioural problems.
  • Reports to the Children’s Panel are submitted to the Children’s Reporter by means of a reporting format provided by the reporter.
  • Incidents of bullying will be dealt with as per school prevention of bullying procedures.
  • In the case of alleged or suspected child abuse the school will follow the Child Protection Procedures and Guidelines as laid down by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

Referrals of Specific Importance

  • Alleged Criminal Offence.

Concerns may arise as a result of an activity which may be criminal e.g theft, assault, vandalism, breach of the peace etc. In any such instance the line of referral is that of direct contact with the police and parents / guardians via a member of senior management. Referrals for alleged criminal offences will also be intimated to the Educational Psychology Service. It should be noted that the Children’s Reporter may still be involved in an alleged criminal offence even where no charge is made by the police.

  • Possible Illegal Involvement out of School.

In such instances there is an obligation on the school to inform the police via senior management of the grounds for concern. It is then a matter for the professional judgement of the police.

  • Management of Drug and Alcohol related incidents .

These will be dealt with in line with the school policy on Substance Use and Misuse.

8) Positive Referrals
The school will also recognise and encourage good behaviour as per Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy.

9) Monitoring Arrangements for Pupil Care and Welfare
The school has a number of procedures which are used to monitor progress and the well being of pupils.

  • Pre School / P1 ; P7 / S1 liaison procedures.
  • Induction Procedures.
  • Evidence from Continuous Assessment and formal examinations. Use of Target setting.
  • Attendance monitored on a daily basis. Procedures in place to deal with non-attendance and low attendance.
  • Early Intervention Strategies.
  • Reports twice a year to parents, more often if need be.
  • Regular Guidance Interviews. Each pupil will have a guidance teacher (classroom teacher in Primary).
  • Close links with external agencies.
  • Clear Links between all Care and Welfare related policies.
  • Use of Circle Time.
  • Use of Pupil Council.
  • Partnership with Parents.
  • Regular Planned Audits of existing Care and Welfare Policies.
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