
cropped-aerialsmall.jpgSgoil nan Loch (Lochs School) on the Isle of Lewis, beyond Skye off the west coast of Scotland, was opened in August 2001. It serves the area of North Lochs. At the end of the 2011-2012 session the Secondary Department of Sgoil nan Loch was closed with all secondary aged pupils now enrolling in The Nicolson Institute in Stornoway.

At the same time, Balallan School was closed with all of its pupils moving to Sgoil nan Loch. As a result of this movement Sgoil nan Loch inherited a Gaelic Medium class as well as a Gaelic Nursery, which together with Little Lochies Nursery made up the newly formed Sgoil Araich nan Loch.

Our core pupil population comprises 136 pupils from Nursery to P7, with 66 pupils in Gaelic Medium and 70 in English Medium. Staffing is as follows: Executive Head Teacher, Head of School, 1 Principal Teacher, 9 full-time Primary Teachers, 11 part-time and peripatetic teachers, 2 play leaders and 6 play assistants, 1 classroom assistant and 10 full and part time Support for Learning Assistants, who work with pupils in our Enhanced Provision and in the mainstream classes, and one Education Attainment Apprentice. Our support staff, vital to the well-being of all, is comprised of our 2 school assistants who job share, a janitor, 4 canteen staff and 4 cleaners.

As a school community, we aim to embody the principles of Curriculum for Excellence. We aim to support our young people, by working in partnership with parents and the community, to enable them to become: Successful Learners; Confident Individuals; Effective Contributors and Responsible Citizens.

We evaluate and monitor our provision in a number of ways, including: Pupil Council, Parent Council, evaluations by staff, pupils and parents; questionnaires; observations and work sampling. Results of these consultations are then used to plan and implement improvements.


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