The standard Lorem Ipsum passage, used since the 1500s

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.”

Pupil Support Framework

Houses Addison Forbes Gibson Macrae Depute Head Teacher Depute Head Teacher Depute Head Teacher Depute Head Teacher Mr D Macaulay Mr A Mackay Mr M Macleod Mrs F Cunningham Guidance Teacher Guidance Teacher Guidance Teacher Guidance  Teacher Mrs M Anderson Mr G Makenzie Ms C  Macleod Mr D Neally Additional Support Needs Teacher Additional Support Needs Teacher Additional Support Needs Teacher Additional Support Needs Teacher Mrs J Budge Mrs C

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Lewis & Harris Junior Football Association

Any pupils who wish to participate in additional football games or undertake additional training can contact the representatives of the local teams listed for further details.   Lewis and Harris Junior Football Association Manager/Coach of Clubs Club/Age Group Manager/Coach Email Address Mobile Number Stornoway Athletic FC   Aths U14 Keith Bray 07748103538 Aths U16 Magnus Johnson 07818454052 Aths U18 Magnus Johnson 07818454052 Back FC   Back U14

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SCHOLAR is a highly successful e-learning programme with materials developed to support some of the National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses which your child may be studying at school. An independent survey has shown that pupils who use SCHOLAR for revision obtained better exam grades. Please click on the link to access a Parent Information Leaflet.  

School Uniform

For some years we have been promoting the wearing, by pupils, of school uniform, i.e. pupils dressing in such a way as to be clearly seen as belonging to The Nicolson Institute Community. Pupils must at all times be dressed smartly. Pupils at all stages have the option of wearing the traditional uniform of: • Black badged blazer • White shirt and school tie • Grey or black trousers or

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Lunchtime Activities

Various activities run during lunch time throughout the week, your registration teacher will tell you if any other activities are running.  Some of the regular activities include:   Open Basketball S1-S6 Mon,Tue,Wed,Fri 1.30 – 1.55 Gym Study Support S1-S6 Wednesday 1.30 – 1.55 Room 47 Scripture Union S1-S6 Wednesday 1.30 – 1.55 Assembly Hall Dixieland Band S1-S6 Wednesday 1.30 – 1.55 Music Reading Group S1-S6 Wednesday 1.30 – 1.55 Library

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After School Activities

The following activities run after school: Anime Club 3.35-4.45 S1-S6 Thurs (Rm 65) Italian Club 3.45-4.45 S1-S6 Tues History (Rm 48) Chess Club 3.45-4.45 S1-S6 Wed Modern Languages Physics Club 3.45-5.00 S1-S6 Wed Physics (Rm 59) Programming Visual Basic 3.45-4.45 S3-S6 Thurs Computing Coding Club 3.35-4.25 S1-S6 Thurs (Rm 9) Lego Club 3.35-4.35  S1-S6  Tues (Rm 35) Keyboard 3.45-4.45 S1-S6 Mon Music Junior Band 3.45-4.45 S1-S3 Tues Music Gaelic Choir

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After School Study Support Clubs

Latest Updates    Subject Level  Teacher   Room   Day Science Chemistry N5 Mrs Shaw/Mackenzie  56 Monday Chemistry Higher Mrs Kennedy  51 Thursday Chemistry Advanced Higher Mrs Mackenzie  55 Friday Afternoon Biology N5 R Gallagher  60 Tuesday Biology Higher R Gallagher  53 Wednesday Biology Higher Human Mrs Nicholson  53 Tuesday Physics N5 Mr McDermott  52 Tuesday Physics N5 Mr Gillies 59 Thursday Physics Higher Dr Mcarthur  57 Tuesday&Thursday Physics Advanced Higher Dr

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Meadhanan Sòisealta

Social Media Gheibhear na naidheachdan as ùire air na duilleagan againn air na meadhanan-sòisealta. You will get the latest news on our social media accounts.  

Comunn na Gàidhlig

Is e Koren Pickering an t-oifigear leasachaidh aig Comunn na Gàidhlig a tha ag obair còmhla ri coimhearsnachd ar sgoile. Bidh i a’ cur tachartasan Gàidhlig air dòigh taobh a-miugh chlasaichean foirmeil. Koren Pickering is the Comunn na Gàidhlig Development Officer who works with our school community. She organises extra-curricular Gaelic activities.