Parent Information

Parent Evenings

Parent evenings are held throughout the year to allow parents to meet with teachers to discuss their child’s progress in each subject.  Parents of S2 pupils also meet with guidance staff to discuss subject choices for 3rd year.

Pupil Reports

All pupils take home two report cards each year.  S1, S3 and S5 are given Interim Reports early in the session to show how well they are settling in to new courses and to highlight any problems that they may be having.


Bullying is not tolerated in The Nicolson Institute.  Members of staff are always vigilant in its detection.  Parents are urged to inform the school immediately if they become aware of any incidents of bullying.

Pupils may be reluctant to pass on information to teachers about the unacceptable behaviour of some of their classmates; however they are encouraged to discuss any worries or problems of this nature with their guidance teacher or any other member of staff who will deal with the matter with discretion.


All teachers are concerned for the welfare of the pupils in their care and will try to help pupils, not only in the area of formal instruction in specific subjects, but also in the wider aspects of development.  However, there are a number of teachers who have a particular pastoral responsibility for pupils.  This includes:

Personal Guidance – helping a pupil at a time of personal difficulty or lending a sympathetic ear to a pupil who needs to talk to an understanding adult.

Curricular Guidance – assisting a pupil towards making a realistic choice of subjects, monitoring that choice and seeking to ensure that the pupils attains their full potential.

Vocational Guidance – promoting a programme of careers education and offering individual careers guidance.  Skills Development Scotland have a very helpful website designed to assist parents in this regard –


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