Our Class Topic

In Room 8 our topic is all about Electricity and Houses in the past, present and future. At the moment we are doing work on houses and yesterday we went on a walk and tally marked the amount of different houses we saw.

Here are some pictures of us on the walk. When we all got back into school we made a bar graph chart on Education City of our results.

Staff in the Class

In Room 8 our staff are Mrs MacGillivray our teacher, Catriona our class helper, Mrs Mac Vicar our P5to 7 French teacher, Iona our class helper, Mrs Burgess our Gaelic instructor and Mrs Steele our P.E teacher.


Safer Internet Day

Today is Safer Internet Day so to celebrate we did some drama and drew some pictures of a dog, a apple and even the internet.

‘It was harder than we thought to draw the internet’  ‘The first thing that came to mind when I was asked to draw the internet was the wi-fi symbol.’

We also had to think what was the right thing to do in different scenarios that we might come across on the internet.

Cross Country

A reminder that all pupils will be taking part in Cross Country training as part of their P.E with Mrs Steele on a Monday. They will need a spare pair of trainers, socks, warm jumper and a plastic bag alongside their normal P.E kit. Thanks