Tag Archives: Planning and Delivery of the Curriculum

Planning and Delivery

Every child and young person in Scotland is entitled to experience a broad general education. This broad general education takes place from the early years to the end of S3, and is represented by learning across a wide range of experiences and outcomes. The title ‘experiences and outcomes’ recognises the importance of the quality and nature of the learning experience in developing attributes and capabilities and in achieving active engagement, motivation and depth of learning. An outcome represents what is to be achieved.

The experiences and outcomes are set out in lines of development which describe progress in learning. They are organised into the eight curricular areas which ensure that children’s learning takes place across a broad range of contexts and at different levels.

One important aspect of Curriculum for Excellence is that learners should be able to make connections in their learning beyond subject boundaries. This is called Interdisciplinary Learning and teaching staff ensure that all pupils have at least one experience of Interdisciplinary Learning in each school session. Interdisciplinary Learning provides relevant, challenging and enjoyable learning experiences and stimulating contexts to meet the varied needs of children and young people.

Schools are also required to deliver learning and teaching experiences related to the development of “Skills for Life.” Within the Primary sector, this is most commonly delivered through the Enterprise in Education and again within Bernera School each child should have experienced being a part of at least one enterprise project in each school session.

Further information relating to Curriculum for Excellence can be found at:


Further information relating to the Enterprise in Education programme can be found at:


All members of teaching staff are responsible for promoting Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing Across Learning and there is an emphasis on these areas at all times, regardless of what particular curricular areas are being covered at a given point in time.

All learning and teaching activities are delivered through one of the following curricular areas – Language and Literacy, Mathematics and Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing, Science, Social Studies, Religious and Moral Education, Expressive Arts and Technologies.

Visiting specialist teachers currently visit the school to assist class teachers in the delivery of their specific subjects. The Music teacher attends the school on a fortnightly basis, whilst the Art teacher attends the school on a weekly basis and the PE teacher visits the school once every three weeks.

 In line with Council Policy all pupils in P4-7 are entitled to receive teaching in P.E. Music, and Art from specialist teachers. Where numbers are small and where specialist staff are in agreement, pupils within P1-3 may also receive teaching in P.E. Music and Art from specialist teachers. All P5-7 pupils have the opportunity to learn the chanter from the Piping Instructor or the guitar from the Guitar Instructor, both of whom attend the school on a weekly basis.

 The Support for Learning Teacher visits Bernera School once a week and works along classroom teachers and staff to make appropriate provision for those children who have additional support needs.

 Class teachers routinely discuss topics for study with pupils and involve them in choosing aspects of study. This process also ensures teaching covers new material and children are provided with sufficient pace and  challenge in their work.

 Should parents wish to find out any more information relating to Curriculum for Excellence, they can find it on Education Scotland’s website at:


 Further information relating to aspects of learning and teaching and assessment can also be found at:
