All posts by Miss Maclean

School Policies

The following CNES Policies have been endorsed by the school and form the basis of our practice with our pupils. These can be found listed on the CNES Website in the following location.

 ¨ Anti-Bullying Policy

¨ Care and Welfare Policy

¨ Dress Code Policy

¨ Disruption to Education on Account of Bad Weather

¨ Enterprise in Education

¨ Getting It Right (for Children and Young People in the Western Isles)

¨ Home Education

¨ Home To School Travel


¨ Improving Behaviour Policy

¨ Inclusion

¨ Parental Involvement Strategy

¨ Promoting Positive Behaviour

¨ Quality Improvement Policy and Procedures

¨ Race Equality

¨ Religious Observance

¨ Support for Bereavement

¨ Transition Planning

In addition to this the School has the following policies available:-

¨ Internet Access Policy

¨ Learning and Teaching

¨ School Security

School Policies

The following CNES Policies have been endorsed by the school and form the basis of our practice with our pupils. These can be found listed on the CNES Website in the following location.

 ¨ Anti-Bullying Policy

¨ Care and Welfare Policy

¨ Dress Code Policy

¨ Disruption to Education on Account of Bad Weather

¨ Enterprise in Education

¨ Getting It Right (for Children and Young People in the Western Isles)

¨ Home Education

¨ Home To School Travel


¨ Improving Behaviour Policy

¨ Inclusion

¨ Parental Involvement Strategy

¨ Promoting Positive Behaviour

¨ Quality Improvement Policy and Procedures

¨ Race Equality

¨ Religious Observance

¨ Support for Bereavement

¨ Transition Planning

 In addition to this the School has the following policies available:-

¨ Internet Access Policy

¨ Learning and Teaching

¨ School Security

Allied Health Professionals

In the event of pupils requiring additional support from our Allied Health Professionals such as Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, the school will complete an Inter-Agency Referral and submit it to the Department of Education and Children’s Services where it will be directed to the appropriate service. All referrals are made in accordance with the “Getting It Right for Children and Young People Policy in the Western Isles.” This Policy can be found at:

Administration of Medicines

Class Teachers are not obliged to administer medicine to pupils. However, if/when it is essential for a child to have medication while in school, this will be carried out by a trained First Aider in the school  office, but only when the appropriate request form has been filled in and signed by parent / guardian. Forms are available in the school office. 

No medication will be given without a written request from parents/guardians and the consent of the Head Teacher. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to deliver and collect medication in person and also to replace medication when it becomes out of date.

Dental Services

Under the Childsmile programme, all pupils in the school brush their teeth each day. Over time this has been proven to reduce the decay pupils experience. The schools dental service visit the school regularly to carry out surveys and check the children’s teeth. Parents are informed in advance of any dental visits that are due to take place and then informed by letter of any dental work that is required and pupils are referred on to the Western Isles Dental Centre.

Medical Care for Pupils

Parents should inform the school without fail of any relevant medical history e.g. asthma, epilepsy, diabetes etc. of which teachers should be aware.

The Head Teacher and two School Assistants are trained in First Aid and hold First Aid At Work certificates. The Nursery Key Worker also holds a basic certificate in First Aid.

Any pupil who feels unwell in class should inform the class teacher who will make arrangements to seek medical advice if necessary.  In some cases it may be necessary to send your child home but this will only be done after contact has been made with the parent/guardian/emergency contact to make arrangements, including suitable transport. 

The Public Health Nurse, visits the school annually for Primary 1 health checks.  Parents are informed in advance of these medical checks and asked for their consent. 

Where pupils have particular and very specific needs, members of staff, including the Head Teacher, have been trained in specific medical procedures in order to care appropriately for these pupils. The competency of   members of staff to undertake such procedures is regularly assessed by staff trainers from NHS Western Isles.

Complaints, Comments and Suggestions Procedures

We are keen that you should be completely satisfied about your child’s education and we encourage  feedback from parents and pupils.  We are, therefore, interested in feedback of all kinds, whether it be compliments,  suggestions or complaints.  If you have a complaint about the school, please let us know.  It is better that these things are shared openly and resolved fairly rather than being allowed to damage the relationship between the family and the school.  There will be no negative consequences arising from making a complaint and we will deal with the issue as confidentially as possible.  If we have made a mistake we will apologise quickly and clearly and try to put things right.

There are some things which you should take note of in relation to making a complaint:

 ¨ Please make any complaints initially to the Head Teacher.  This makes sure that the school knows what is going on and has an opportunity to respond and resolve the issue.

¨ If you are unhappy with the service or with our response then you will have the right to take the matter further.  You can put your complaint in writing or fill in a complaint form. Completed forms should be sent to:

Director of Education and Children’s Services,

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar,

Sandwick Road,


Isle of Lewis,

HS1 2BW.

 Further information on the Council’s complaints procedure and on making a complaint can be found at:

 where an online Complaints Form is also located.

 ¨ If you are still unhappy after further investigation and reply you can take the matter up with the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman.  The reply will include the contact details.