Category Archives: S1

Graphics Software

Whilst the majority of the computer graphics will be done in school, it is highly recommended that all pupils download and familiarise themselves with some of the software that is used in graphic communication.

Name Uses Website
GIMP Photo editing
Inkscape Adding text, shapes etc. Great for posters, cards, leaflets etc
Draftsight CAD package, similar to AutoCAD but 2D only
LibreOffice Full office suite

Sketching the shapes

1. Sphere The sphere is the only shape which is the same 2D as it is 3D. This method starts by sketching a square and applying the Union Jack method to create a circle.
Sketching a sphere

2. Box/Crate Every shape in sketching, whether simple or complex starts with a crate.  This is used to ensure that when joining two or more shapes together the position and scale can be seen quickly.  The link below will take you to a video which shows the technique used to sketch a box or a crate which can then be used to help sketch another shape.
Sketching a box/crate

3. Pyramid Using the techniques learned previously, this video shows how to use a crate and convert it into a pyramid shape.
Sketching a pyramid

4. Cone To construct the cone we need to start with a crate, add a base to it and then apply what we learned in video 1: sketching a sphere. Using a combination of both of these methods, this video shows how to sketch a cone.
Sketching a cone