Friday 31st March: The end of term

Congratulations, we have made it to the end of another busy term.
This week we have lots of photos to share with you.
A number of pupils have signed up for Duke of Edinburgh, which we will begin next term and continue in 2023-24. Aaron and Casper did some activities for their skills section at Barrhead High School this week. The pair made biscuit cake as part of their lifeskills cooking and baking class.

Archie really enjoyed finding out about special effect make-up in drama. Here he is with some very convincing wounds.

Miss Jamieson and the S1/S2 art class were able to finally get outside and enjoy some sunny weather this week. They were looking at reflections as part of their class and took some very impressive photographs as I’m sure you will agree.

Ruth and Mark designed eggs to wish those celebrating a happy Easter.

Mr Dykes class have been studying persuasive language and advertising with Miss Macdonald on a Wednesday. They created adverts for a new product with their posters judged as a competition. The winner was…

Some of our senior pupils are now preparing for N5, Higher and AH exams, which begin in May. We would like to remind them that study materials will be available from their teachers, on Google Classroom, and across websites such as BBC Bitesize. The holidays provide a good opportunity to do some study and revision, but please also make sure you take time to relax and enjoy a little break. Find a balance between study and switching off.

And finally, can we wish every pupil, their families and friends of the CSS, a very, very happy holiday and a very, very happy Easter if you are celebrating. Relax and enjoy the fortnight’s break. We look forward to seeing everyone again for term three, on Monday 17th April.