Monthly Archives: April 2023

Friday 28th April

SQA exams started this week. Well done Lewis, Kaiden, Jayden, Aaron and Thomas who made it through the first week. It looks like the boys all feel they did ok. Keep up the good work and studying for the forthcoming assessments. It will all be worth it in the end!
As promised, here are photos from the S6 leavers trip last Friday.

Ruth and Mark joined the S3 class for some lifeskills cookery at BHS on Monday. We made thumbprint biscuits. The recipe didn’t exactly go to plan, but the biscuits still tasted great and would be fine with some ice-cream! Isn’t everything?

Sharon and Miss Jamieson made bird feeders as part of Environmental Science. They recycled old water bottles and pencils. What a great idea.

Finally, Eleanor celebrated her birthday this week. Happy birthday Eleanor!

Friday 21st April

I hope everyone had a brilliant Easter holiday and finally enjoyed some sunshine!
It was lovely to see everyone back this week. There is lots of news and photos to share.
At the end of term the S1 class created persuasive adverts for Miss Macdonald. An Art teacher judged the competition and thought all the adverts were great. They showed great neatness, humour, artistic skill and carefully thought wording. But there had to be one winner! This was Evan. His design won for being the most eye catching.

Casper and Aaron enjoyed being back, doing some lifeskills baking on Thursday. This helps towards their Duke of Edinburgh Skills module. They made scones. Casper even attempted to make one in the shape of Bowser!

Miss Roberts made the most of the dry weather to take the S1/2 class outside to see how far their rockets would fly.

Sharon (S6) was also outside, testing the wind as part of Environmental Studies.

Evan has been practising very hard in music. Here he is, captured on video:

Can we take this opportunity to wish all pupils, staff and friends of the service a Happy Eid, if they are celebrating today.

And finally, today marks the official end of the year for the S6 pupils. After six years of teaching, supporting and getting to know you all we are all so proud of your achievements. We all have so many memories of your time at Williamwood and can’t believe it is coming to an end. We hope you enjoy your last official day, wish you all the luck for the exams and the future, hope you stay in touch and know you will be successful whatever your future path. We are glad many of you are staying on until the rest of the school leaves at the end of June.

Hopefully I will be able to post pictures of the last day activities later!