All posts by Mrs Taylor

First P3a Blog Posting!

In this first term in Primary 3a we have started learning about a selection of incredibly interesting things.

We started the year by creating our Class Charter, identifying the world’s continents and displaying the UN Articles on them.

We have been doing a lot of talking and listening, with every child presenting an argument as to why they could be chosen as a class representative for a range of positions. Although only one person was voted in to each position, everyone gave their all and impressed their classmates with their public speaking skills and confidence.

We have taken this focus on oral presentation even further along with writing. Using the Anthony Browne book, Voices in the Park, as a stimulus, we have explored character and looked at the four voices in the book in great detail. We then “hot seated”, where each child had to answer questions from the rest of the class as one of the characters in the book – wearing the appropriate headwear to aid in characterisation!!

We are also looking at the landscape of our local area, how the land is used at the moment and how it used to be used. We have thought about how our climate affects the types of buildings we have. We have been looking at maps in books and online, examining the land and its uses, and have even started to create our own landscapes in Art.

We are looking forward to going to visit Giffnock Library’s Heritage Centre to see their maps and photos of the farmyards of Giffnock’s past!

To continue the farming theme, we are looking at the journey of food from plant to plate. We are looking at which foods can be grown in Scotland and how our climate influences this. In Term Three will even be growing our own potatoes, with the Grow Your Own Potatoes project.

We are also thinking about how food keeps us healthy, which fits perfectly with our science topic of the human body – we have really enjoyed exploring all the inner workings of our bodies! We are describing the function and position of major organs and taking part in a number of experiments to discover more about how our bodies work.

We are lucky to have visits from the Music Specialist, Mrs Carey, who is teaching us to identify the rhythms “ta” and “tete” and to show the hand signs for the notes “so” and “me”.

Literacy and Numeracy

Our learning in these areas will draw upon the contexts listed above but will differ according to the needs of each class / group. Your support with consolidation of core learning through homework activities will be very beneficial to our children.

Article 13

You have the right to find out things and say what you think, through making art, speaking and writing unless it breaks the rights of others.