All posts by Miss Stead

January in P2a

January was a month of celebrations in Primary 2a. We celebrated Chinese New Year, this year it is the year of the Rooster. We learned about how New Year is celebrated in China and discovered more about some of the traditions. We created our own lanterns, they were red because it is seen to be a lucky colour.
We also celebrated Burns Day by reading some of his work and for lunch some of us tried haggis, neeps and tatties. We were inspired by Rabbie and wrote our own poems, which we shared with each other and gave feedback.
We have been using the laptops to find information using the internet in the class. We worked in small groups, took turns and in one session found out lots more about giant pandas. In Science, we have been exploring and investigating forces.

October in Primary 2

In Science, we have been exploring the properties of materials and where they come from. We have been learning about man-made and natural materials, we found examples of each around the school and in the playground.
We have been very artistic this month. We have had the opportunity to explore and choose from a range of media to create more rainforest art. The rainbow macaws that we made were very bright and look fantastic on our display. We had the opportunity to take part in a draw-a-long with the illustrator of Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam, Steven Lenton.
Last week we had a visit from a police officer who was teaching us more about road safety. We learned about pedestrian crossings and to always STOP, LOOK and LISTEN when crossing the road. We are lucky to have lollipop people to help us cross the road on the way home from school.
This month many of our achievements outside school have been about caring for others, being responsible and making others happy. We have been brave by trying new things and some of us have ever been overcoming a fear. Well done Primary 2a!

September in P2a

Primary 2a September blog


We have been learning lots about the rainforest and many animals that live there. We know that there are four layers in the rainforest, the forest floor, the understory, the canopy and the emergent layer. We have been comparing the differences between each of the layers. The rainforest is very wet and warm and we have learning how that affects the animals that live there.

This week we have loved learning about the poison dart frog. The poison dart frog is very brightly coloured as a warning to other animals that it is poisonous. The poison is so strong that it could kill 10 adults. It is very tiny and lives on the forest floor and in the trees.

Our art has been based on rainforest animals. We made and painted amazing toucans, we collaged blue morpho butterflies and poison dart frogs. We worked well together to make our own rainforest for the class.

After celebrating Roald Dahl’s birthday we have been reading the Twits. We are really enjoying it so far and can’t wait to find out what happens.

Last week we took part in the Giffnock Parent Council ‘Run the length of Scotland’ event. We each ran a mile, had fun and were proud of our achievement.

We have been awesome achievers this month in and out of school. Some of us have received medals for swimming, started new clubs, been helping out at home and learning to ride a bike.

Well done Primary 2a 🙂