All posts by Mrs Horrocks

Awesome Achievers

P4a have been awesome as always this month! We have developed many different skills,  both in and out of school.

Many of us have been developing skills in many different sports, such as Taekwando, gymnastics, skiing, dance and swimming.

Amna is proud that she can now do a range of kicks in Taekwando, Heather can do a back bend against a wall whilst Armeen can demonstrate a backward and forward roll.  Callum was proud to achieve success when completing an aerial obstacle course and Kobi showed responsibilty when he looked after his grandparents dog.  He enjoyed walking and feeding Quinn!

Logan felt a sense of achievement and pride when participating in a Remembrance Service with the Boys Brigade and some of us have been thinking about others less fortunate than ourselves by recycling toys and clothes to local charities.

November News for P4A

In Science this term we have been developing our knowledge of Vibrations and Sound.

Kobi said ‘Sound happens when something vibrates.’

Lucy went on to explain ‘Sounds can be high or low and Fatima added ‘They can be loud or quiet.’

Musa told us ‘When the vibrations get to your ear it sends a message to our brains.’

We looked at a diagram of our ear and labelled the parts.  We discussed how each part works.

Marcus and Hashim were able to show us that the louder the sound the bigger the vibration using a paper cup and elastic band.  We had fun investigating how to create sound using different household objects!


We have also been learning about Weather and Climate in Social Studies and posing lots of different questions to investigate.

Anshi said ‘We discussed how weather is predicted and measured.’ Eleena added ‘We talked about how we could record weather using things we could find in school and at home.’

Ruadhan explained ‘We could make a rainfall gauge by using a plastic bottle with the top cut off.’

Heather said ‘We would need to mark the bottle with ml to record how much rain there was.’

Each group had a Big Question to discuss.  Amna said ‘Our groups question was ‘How does weather change?’ We then broke down the question into simple questions to research like ‘ How does rain change into snow?’

Yousef had an idea. ‘Why don’t we record the temperature outside by using a thermometer?’


During Art we have been researching the artist M.C Escher.

Armeen said ‘His work was based on tessellations, squares, triangles and hexagons were the easiest to use.’

Erion explained ‘This is when shapes fit together to make a picture. There shouldn’t be any spaces in between.’

Amelia said ‘We used a lizard template to create a pattern which we then fitted together for a display.’

Sam also said ‘We collected leaves to make a lions mane, discussing the different colours and textures.’

Ella shared ‘I liked when we created landscapes pictures using oil pastels.’ We are also looking at landscapes created by the artist Metzinger.


This term our RME focus has been on other World Religions and learning about Shabbat.

Daniel told us, ‘We are learning about Shabbat. It’s a Jewish tradition.’ Sofia added ‘It’s a time for family to come together, say prayers and sing songs.’

Ailey said ‘The mother of the house lights two candles and the grandfather or father blesses the children and on a Saturday morning they go to the synagogue.’

Emma added, “We also spoke about The Ten Commandments.’

We made a scroll using a list of our own rules.


We have been learning new ICT skills using Sway.  Calum said ‘Ruadhan and I made a Lego Star Wars presentation.’

Millie and Lucy explained how important Internet Safety was and everyone had the opportunity to create a presentation either on their own or with a partner.


We have been developing our fitness this term in P.E and have been continuing with our daily fitness sessions.  For Outdoor P.E we have also been developing our stamina and speed using the Trim Trail.

Logan Lang said ‘I enjoyed the different activities, stepping up and down on the bench and the BEEP test.’

Breac ‘I enjoyed Basketball especially shooting into the net and dribbling to get away from my partner.’

Logan Adam added ‘I like balancing and rolling during Gymnastics.’


Literacy and Numeracy

Our learning in these areas will draw upon the contexts listed above but will differ according to the needs of each class / group. Your support with consolidation of core learning through homework activities will be very beneficial to our children.



Awesome Achievers

This month we have been awesome once more!  Some of us have been trying hard to help at home.  Ailey has been helping to cook dinner and Heather has been learning how to bake a cake with her gran. A few of us have been at skiing lessons, Millie has been successful in moving onto intermediate level.

Article 29: You have the right to education which develops your personality, respect for other’s rights and the environment.