Jumping in to January!

P3a are full of achievements this December and January.

In Music, we have completed a listening unit with Mrs Carey. We have listened to the story of Peter and the Wolf and identified which instruments represent each of the animals. This has taught us about lots of instruments in the orchestra and the musical families they are in. Sam was very excited to hear the violin’s important role – we have all heard how good he is at the violin already, so maybe one day it will be him playing the part of Peter in the orchestra.

In French, we have had fun using our excellent knowledge of numbers to 30 to ask each other how old we are. Marcus liked playing the game where we each took a random number, we chatted to each other in French and then our partner had to confirm in English how old we were supposed to be!

In ICT, we have been accessing and using information from electronic sources, like Glow. Our knowledge of software is getting wider and wider and we can even log on to our Glow accounts to open documents and click on links to get to other web pages. Rio enjoyed clicking through to some numeracy games. Not only that, every person in the class has replied to messages on a discussion list – it is so exciting when you see your message on the screen! Ella showed her personality by including a humorous response.

Our piece de resistance was our fantastic assembly in January!!!!! We had been learning in school about Scots, one of the three languages we speak in Scotland. We learnt a Scots poem – Foo Robin got his rid breest. We sang the funny song, Three Craws. Callum enjoyed depicting a crow because of his love of animals and interest in birds in particular.

We also retold the story of the wedding of Robin and Wren. Before our performance we rehearsed, knowing how important it was for us to speak clearly, loudly, slowly and enthusiastically to make sure that our audience could hear us. All those who were lucky enough to come to watch us will agree how confident and successful we were – and we had so much fun too! Logan A particularly enjoyed acting, his dramatic Pussy Baudrons entertained us all.

In addition to all of our Scots’ learning of other people’s work, we have been creating our own Scots’ poems! We discovered what makes a limerick, “It must have five lines,” says Sophie. “Lines 1,2 and 5 rhyme” Josh tells us. “And lines 3 and 4 need to rhyme with each other!” Musa won’t let us forget! Everyone then had a go at writing their own limerick, with some Scots words. Yousef enjoyed sharing his with Mrs Brown and making the class laugh – because, as Lucy will remind you, limericks are nonsense and should entertain their audience!

We have started learning about different Scottish inventors and the wonderful things they have done to make our lives better. To help us identify some inventors by name, and recognise what their individual discoveries were, we played a matching game. Amelia found it funny that the inventor of the telephone was called Alexander Graham BELL! We look forward to finding out more about Scottish inventions and discoveries.

Out of school, our achievements are wonderful again!!!

ACTIVE = Josh has achieved his 60 minute goal, Sam and Erion have been working hard in swimming, Armeen has moved on to a new wall in climbing, Amna is getting better at her different types of kicks and Ruaridh has been winning medals at football.

ACHIEVING = Anshi passed her singing exam with distinction! Amelia has won the Drama Award of 2017 at Razzamatazz! Nimra is so proud that she has managed to reach halfway through her fourth Siphara in Arabic class and Ella has read three Marge in Charge books, reading paperbacks in bed independently after reading with her mum and dad. Breac has improved his writing and drawings, Logan L, Millie and Ruadhan are getting better at the guitar and Callum and Heather are improving at the piano.

HEALTHY = Eleena visited Glencoe, Rio has been working very hard at scoring goals in football and Marcus made the most of the weather by building a snowman!

INCLUDED = Heather has been winning badges at Brownies and Amelia has just joined.

RESPONSIBLE =Ailey, Lucy, Fatima and Daniel have been helping lots at home.

NURTURING = Emma has been helping her wee brother.


Literacy and Numeracy

Our learning in these areas will draw upon the contexts listed above but will differ according to the needs of each class / group. Your support with consolidation of core learning through homework activities will be very beneficial to our children.

Article 13

You have the right to find out things and say what you think, through making art, speaking and writing unless it breaks the rights of others.

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