Blogging for November in P3a.


November and December have been full of Nativity!! Primary Three have been absolutely amazing superstars. We were responsible for the main parts in all the scenes of the lower school Nativity performance of “It’s Chr-i-i-i-stmas!” (the Christmas Chart Show). The P2s and P1s were magnificent, but we stole the show!! They respected our fabulous performances and our singing and dancing. It was a lot of hard work, but it was great fun!


Watch this space, because the performing isn’t over yet for P3a – it’s our assembly in January!!!!!


Going back to this month, we have been listening to and speaking a lot of French as we count down the days to Christmas on our French advent calendars. It is improving our counting, our vocabulary and our listening “en francais”.


In ICT, we have been developing our computer programming skills by dragging instructions for the characters in Disney’s “Hour of Code”.


In Music, Mrs Carey is teaching us to identify the new rhythm “tiri-tiri” – it is like two te-tes stuck together! We have also been using our hand staves to show where musical notes are.


Out of school, our achievements are amazing!!! We found it so very hard to just choose five for the tree – listen to how good the ones are that we didn’t even choose … ACTIVE = Sam has been winning in basketball by shooting lots of baskets, Amna has achieved her green Taekwando tag, Erion has got much better at swimming, Heather got in to the next level at swimming, Ella is getting better and better at horse riding, Rio has scored loads of goals at football, ACHIEVING = Eleena is excellent at the piano and has learnt new guitar chords, Ruadhan has learned a new song on his guitar, Breac has improved his writing and drawings, HEALTHY = Nimra has been looking after her mum, INCLUDED = Fatima has been doing a lot with her family and being responsible, RESPONSIBLE = Musa has been helping lay the table at home, Ailey and Lucy made their Brownie promise and are now proper Brownies, Daniel and Sophie help to clean out their hamsters’ cage, NURTURING = Josh saved a wild seal, Logan L has been helping with his puppy and Millie has been consoling her lonely guinea pig.


Literacy and Numeracy


Our learning in these areas will draw upon the contexts listed above but will differ according to the needs of each class / group. Your support with consolidation of core learning through homework activities will be very beneficial to our children.


Article 13


You have the right to find out things and say what you think, through making art, speaking and writing unless it breaks the rights of others.


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