October in Primary 2

In Science, we have been exploring the properties of materials and where they come from. We have been learning about man-made and natural materials, we found examples of each around the school and in the playground.
We have been very artistic this month. We have had the opportunity to explore and choose from a range of media to create more rainforest art. The rainbow macaws that we made were very bright and look fantastic on our display. We had the opportunity to take part in a draw-a-long with the illustrator of Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam, Steven Lenton.
Last week we had a visit from a police officer who was teaching us more about road safety. We learned about pedestrian crossings and to always STOP, LOOK and LISTEN when crossing the road. We are lucky to have lollipop people to help us cross the road on the way home from school.
This month many of our achievements outside school have been about caring for others, being responsible and making others happy. We have been brave by trying new things and some of us have ever been overcoming a fear. Well done Primary 2a!

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