‘From fruity fun to book bugs’

November has been a very busy time for us in Primary 1. Some of our favourite things have been our healthy eating topic and our trip last week to the Giffnock Library.
We brought in pictures of ourselves when we were younger to see how much we’ve grown. We loved seeing everyone’s photographs. Food is one of the things that have helped us grow tall to big 5 year old. We discovered that everyone likes and dislikes different things. We also had a competition to see who the healthiest group was and we all tried hard to bring in healthy snacks such as grapes, bananas, oranges, fruit bars, apples, yoghurts and cereal bars.
In class we had fun making our own healthy snacks we made some smoothies from frozen raspberries, peaches, bananas, yoghurt and some orange juice. We also made fruit kebabs and we chose from a wide selection of fruits.
We were invited to Giffnock library for Book Week Scotland. We all got a book bag with 3 different book and we are going to vote for our favourite book.
We are now looking forward to our Christmas Show.

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