The Greenhouse

where children come to grow

May 23, 2021
by Mrs Haveron

More baking!

The children have throughly enjoyed developing their hand hygiene and food preparation skills during our weekly cooking sessions. We also explore many of our Numeracy skills (measure) in a practical way! A group of children also made tasty mock tails, with Mrs McAleenan, for us to taste and accompany our baked treats. Zoe’s fruit blend was voted the favourite. They all tasted so delicious and the children not only made their own creations but measured them all out correctly using a set criteria using millilitres and litres. “BRING ON SUMMER”, we all said after tasting those delicious drinks!

May 23, 2021
by Mrs Haveron

It’s fun to explore and learn outside!

Our Wednesday afternoon children have been working so hard in the local environment to explore vital life skills such as working co-operatively, listening to and following instruction, turn-taking, encouraging others and having so much fun in the process!

Here are some examples of the activities:

Work with a partner to make a portrait of Mr Cockbain using natural materials. Mrs McIntyre, our wonderful art specialist chose team Zoe and Michael as the winners. Well done to all, the efforts were amazing and your ability to work co-operatively was fantastic.

Scavenger hunts, challenge cards and tree/leaf rubbings:

May 23, 2021
by Mrs Haveron

Meet our new friends!

The children have been very excited he past few weeks meeting our new baby caterpillars and watching them change and grow. They are getting so big now and are nearly ready to form their chrysalis. We have explored our butterfly theme through our stem and art work.

May 3, 2021
by Mrs Haveron

Life cycles!

In Science, the children have been learning about life cycles. We recently learned about the life cycle of a butterfly in preparation for some special visitors we have coming soon to The Greenhouse!

May 3, 2021
by Mrs Haveron

Lego Club!

WOW! The boys in Lego Club worked super hard together to build their first model. I was super impressed with the excellent turn-taking, team work and problem solving skills that were going on to follow a complete set of instructions. Well done boys the end product was fab!

May 3, 2021
by Mrs Haveron

Exploring our feelings and emotions!

The children work hard to learn how to recognise their feelings and emotions and how to control them. We do a lot of group discussion, story telling and art work to learn how to cope with our feelings and emotions in a positive way. The children listen very well to each other and share strategies in order to support each other! Some children created a feelings monster based on the story ‘Glad Monster/Sad Monster’. Can you guess which feeling their monsters are expressing?

May 3, 2021
by Mrs Haveron

Outdoor Learning!

On a Wednesday afternoon the children will be attending the local ‘Jerry’ park to take part in Outdoor Learning sessions. We went on our first visit recently to ‘scout out the area’ as Michael McK said and create a set of safety rules that we must follow to keep ourselves and each other safe when at the park.

The children were very sensible in creating a set of safety rules. They listened to one another and their individual opinions before creating the rules and took on board the needs of all age groups of children attending. Mrs Williams and I were very proud of you all!

If your child does attend The Greenhouse on a Wednesday afternoon please ensure they come to school with a change of clothes, waterproof jacket and appropriate footwear to wear to the park.

Thank You x


May 3, 2021
by Mrs Haveron

We love to cook!

The children have throughly enjoyed taking part in our weekly cooking sessions. We work cooperatively to follow a recipe, select appropriate ingredients and equipment. We also focus on the skills of chopping, grating, mixing, measuring and weighing. The children take it in turns to serve the table each week and prepare and pour the juice for us to enjoy with our final products! They have demonstrated wonderful team work and produced very tasty treats!

April 1, 2021
by Mrs Haveron

A busy time in March!

March has been a busy and exciting month for us all in the Greenhouse and we have celebrated the first signs of Spring in a variety of different ways. We have planted sunflowers and mung beans, created a mixture of Spring art pieces and the children throughly enjoyed all of the fun activities carried out this week, in the lead up to Easter.

Please watch the little video to see our Zoe modelling the latest Spring fashion 2021!

From all of us in Team Greenhouse, we hope you have a happy, holy Easter.

March 11, 2021
by Mrs Haveron

Hello and welcome back!

Hello everybody!

My name is Mrs Haveron and I am the new teacher in The Greenhouse. I started my new role mid February and it really has been a strange time to start a new job. I have absolutely loved meeting and working with some of our children over the last couple of weeks and here are a few pictures of all the things we have experienced together so far!


This link is a video of Matty creating music on the chrome book. We were all super impressed and loved dancing along to his tunes!

Mrs McAleenan, Mrs Williams, Mr Cockbain and I have so enjoyed our time together so far and we are very excited to welcome our P4-P7 children back to school and The Greenhouse next week.


Parents/carers, I will always be at The Greenhouse gate at the end of every day if you ever need to talk to me and hopefully I will get to meet you all soon.

Mrs Haveron x

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