Hello everybody!
My name is Mrs Haveron and I am the new teacher in The Greenhouse. I started my new role mid February and it really has been a strange time to start a new job. I have absolutely loved meeting and working with some of our children over the last couple of weeks and here are a few pictures of all the things we have experienced together so far!
This link is a video of Matty creating music on the chrome book. We were all super impressed and loved dancing along to his tunes!
Mrs McAleenan, Mrs Williams, MrΒ Cockbain and I have so enjoyed our time together so far and we are very excited to welcome our P4-P7 children back to school and The Greenhouse next week.
Parents/carers, I will always be at The Greenhouse gate at the end of every day if you ever need to talk to me and hopefully I will get to meet you all soon.
Mrs Haveron x