A big Happy Birthday to Odin today, a big 11! We hope you had a great day with all your friends in the Greenhouse.
May 24, 2021
by Mrs Haveron
May 24, 2021
by Mrs Haveron
A big Happy Birthday to Odin today, a big 11! We hope you had a great day with all your friends in the Greenhouse.
May 23, 2021
by Mrs Haveron
Well to done Michael for receiving a Growth Mindset certificate. Well deserved Michael, you’re a wonderful, caring boy!
May 23, 2021 by Mrs Haveron | 0 comments
A big Happy Birthday to Callum who turned 10 (double digits) this week. We helped Callum to draw out the Glasgow subway system in the playground and he took part in many fun Numeracy based activities ‘on the subway’, using his bike. We all had a lovely morning and we think by the smile on Callum’s face, he did too!!!
May 23, 2021
by Mrs Haveron
The children have throughly enjoyed developing their hand hygiene and food preparation skills during our weekly cooking sessions. We also explore many of our Numeracy skills (measure) in a practical way! A group of children also made tasty mock tails, … Continue reading
May 23, 2021
by Mrs Haveron
Our Wednesday afternoon children have been working so hard in the local environment to explore vital life skills such as working co-operatively, listening to and following instruction, turn-taking, encouraging others and having so much fun in the process! Here are … Continue reading
May 23, 2021
by Mrs Haveron
The children have been very excited he past few weeks meeting our new baby caterpillars and watching them change and grow. They are getting so big now and are nearly ready to form their chrysalis. We have explored our butterfly … Continue reading
May 3, 2021
by Mrs Haveron
In Science, the children have been learning about life cycles. We recently learned about the life cycle of a butterfly in preparation for some special visitors we have coming soon to The Greenhouse!
May 3, 2021
by Mrs Haveron
WOW! The boys in Lego Club worked super hard together to build their first model. I was super impressed with the excellent turn-taking, team work and problem solving skills that were going on to follow a complete set of instructions. … Continue reading
May 3, 2021
by Mrs Haveron
The children work hard to learn how to recognise their feelings and emotions and how to control them. We do a lot of group discussion, story telling and art work to learn how to cope with our feelings and emotions … Continue reading
May 3, 2021
by Mrs Haveron
On a Wednesday afternoon the children will be attending the local ‘Jerry’ park to take part in Outdoor Learning sessions. We went on our first visit recently to ‘scout out the area’ as Michael McK said and create a set … Continue reading