S6 Advent Appeal – Food Bank
Head Teacher’s Medal
S6 Masquerade Ball
A great fun evening for us all !
See School website for photos or use the flickr link
SCHOLAR Passwords
See Mrs McCrea or Pastoral Teacher for your Scholar Password.
Excellent resources for all subjects.
School Uniform Update
- No Hoodies should be worn inside the school building and while sitting at S6 tables.
- PE kit should not be worn on way to school or while sitting at S6 tables. Use PE changing rooms.
- Vocational Pupils should change into their own clothes at lunch time before leaving school building and should not be wearing their own clothes at S6 tables.
S6 Photos Tuesday 27th November
Pupils will get individual photo taken during the morning of Tuesday 27th November. Photographs will be taken in the small gymnasium.
Girls should wear black tights.
Where possible please wear a white shirt – all pupils
All pupils should wear their school blaser.
The next gathering point is on Monday 26th November and will be in the oratory at 3.30pm. All S6 pupils should attend.
Reading for Medical Dentistry Applicants in preparation for Interviews
Finding vaccines for everything. Cities initiative launched at Davos.
Where the UN is now investigating extreme poverty: the United Kingdom.
articles, BBC info on latest news
All national newspapers of quality have health inserts on latest developments
Access journals – health and science via internet
S6 UCAS Information Guide 2018-19
Useful Information to complete Personal Statement
Sections should be completed by next week;
- Personal Details ,
- Additional Information,
- Education,
- Student Finance,
- Employment