S1 pupils enjoyed their first day at St Ninian’s High School.
Pupils received copies of their Timetables, cafeteria pin number and ICT login details.
Further information was issued to pupils regarding their data check and National Entitlement Card.
S6 Guides were assigned to each alpha class to escort pupils to and from their classes.
Please ensure that all belongings especially blasers and PE kits are labelled with pupil name.
Pupils can purchase a school diary at Interval and lunchtime -£3
Pupils will attend a Co- curricular showcase to find out about clubs and activities next Wednesday afternoon
Locker Information to follow
Dates for your diary;
S1 Photographs Friday 23rd August
Inaugural Mass All family members welcome Thursday 29th August
S1/2 Disco Thursday 5th September
S1 Information Evening Thursday 3rd October