Silver Expeditions

Silver Expeditions 2023/24

Silver Expedition Information (updated 10/06/24)

Practice Expedition

Isle of Arran

12th – 14th June 2024

Assessment Expedition

The Trossachs

21st – 23rd August 2024

Expedition Training

Expedition training is mandatory for all participants. In 2023 it will take place on Thursday 7th March in the forum. It will take place during periods 1 and 2.

I appreciate that missing class at this time is not ideal so I have condensed the training programme as much as possible to limit disruption. Attending the training is a requirement for the expedition.

The following areas will be covered:

  • Recap of Bronze techniques and skills
  • Advanced Navigation (map and compass)

Kit Issue/Return

Prior to the expeditions participants will be issued their group kit, some
personal kit can also be borrowed.

A £50 deposit will be required on the day and will be returned to you when
the kit is returned. Please provide this as cash or a cheque made out to ERC
in a sealed envelope with name and alpha class on the front.

It is the participants’ responsibility to return the kit clean and dry or charges
will be made if they fail to do so. Please hang tents and any other wet kit
out to dry within 24 hour of returning from the expedition.

Group Kit

Where possible please arrive at the kit issue with the other members of
your tent group. If arriving separately please decide before hand who is
taking the tent and who is taking the Trangia stove.

Requested equipment can be changed on the day if necessary.

The Edge

Kit pick up and return is conducted at a youth club called The Edge.
This is located behind Fairweather Hall in Newton Mearns G77 6BB