Class of 2025c

—PRIMARY 3C—-MONTHLY BLOG—-East Renfrewshire site

January 14, 2020
by User deactivated

2020 Begins!

Happy new year to all our parents and carers! We have had a busy first week back at school, getting back into the swing of things.

We spent time at the beginning of the week writing our new year resolutions, we all chose different things we would like to get better at during the year. We put these new year resolutions in our scrapbooks to remind us throughout the year.

In maths we have been focusing on money, we are learning all about different coins and adding money together to make sure we have enough money to buy things. This term in literacy we are focusing on the Katie Morag stories. We have already learned lots about her! Do you know she lives on an Island? We were surprised to hear that the island did not have an Asda!

We enjoyed our first week back at forest school. We used natural resources to build transient art pictures. Some of us were very creative creating pictures of snowflakes and houses. Miss Lyons was very impressed.

We are looking forward to all the exciting learning in term 2!



December 20, 2019
by User deactivated

Exciting learning in P2c

Hi everyone,

We have been learning lots about how to measure distance and length using a varitety of materials. We can measure using our feet, hands, numicon and cubes! We have discovered that measuring with our feet and hands are not always accurate because we all have different size feet and hands! We are beginning to use metre sticks and rulers to measure more accurately. The rectangles have been learning about numbers to 100, in particular they were learning about rounding numbers to 10. They could use this knowledge to measure using the metre sticks. Miss Lyons was very impressed! The triangles and circles have been learning about adding and subtracting and are using this knowledge to compare measurements.

We have enjoyed making paper aeroplanes so we decided to go outside to measure how far our paper aeroplanes could fly. Some of our planes went REALLY far, in fact one went so far it flew right over the fence. We found this very funny and had to estimate how far the paper aeroplane flew.

In literacy we have been learning all about magic “e”. We have been creating magic “e” words in creative ways. Some of us have even created lists of magic “e” words by going round the class and school trying to find as many as we can. In the end we had nearly 30 words written on the list, we were impressed that we could find so many!

This Elf arrived from the North Pole in time for the countdown to Christmas . We recieved a letter from Santa to tell us that our Elf had been sent for us to look after until Christmas. Santa told us that the Elf will be watching us to make sure we are doing good work. We voted on a name for our Elf, we chose Elfie! Elfie has been up to mischief all month!

We have been creating lots of Christmas crafts the past few weeks, in particular we have been learning about watercolour painting. We created Starry Night paintings, we had to learn how to blend colours together before painting a tree with a thin brush. We learned how to hold a paintbrush and how to use soft strokes while painting.

Please look at the pictures of our learning over the past month.

Also we would like to wish all our families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New a




November 4, 2019
by User deactivated

Forest adventures!

Hi Everyone,

We have enjoyed our trips to the forest recently, we are very lucky that parents have been able to help. Over the last few weeks we have been completing lots of exciting activities in the forest.

We have been investigating living and non-living things – making checklists of the things we have seen. We have been working on our teamwork skills by supporting each other through a river walk. We got very wet!

We have noticed changes in the forest, first the leaves have fallen off the trees and the water level has risen. We have discussed this back in class and we know that we are now changing seasons and that is causing the leaves to fall. We are also aware that there has been lots of heavy rainfall that has caused the water level to rise.

We spent time last week in the play park – we had a competition who could hold on to the bar for the longest! It was lots of fun.

Please have a look at the pictures of our adventures.




April 17, 2019
by K Flaherty

Welcome to our class blog!

Welcome to our blog!

Our first news is all about chicks! On Monday some eggs arrived. They were special eggs and today three of them hatched. We learned that the light yellow ones are boys and the brown ones are girls!

We’ve also been learning about robots and rockets that can land on the moon. We watched a robot dog. You can play fetch with him, and you can also charge it with a battery. Then we thought about our own robot inventions.

In art we created rainbow animals. We used paint and helped each other to add colour. Everyone got a chance to make an animal. We made a stag, giraffe, dolphins  and a highland cow. Take a look at our wonderful work!



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