We have been working very hard on our Literacy tasks over the past few weeks. Below is a summary of some of the different things we have been working on:
Character Descriptions
Titanic Poetry
Writer’s Craft
Haiku Poetry
September Learning Journey (personal reflection).
We have been working on a different rule in class each week and this has been our focus for homework tasks. ‘Rules’ we have been practising include ‘ar’ and ‘are’ endings, word roots and simple plurals. We have been loving Sparkle spelling, an active spelling game that Mrs. Glancey has introduced us to that helps us to practise our rules and commit words to our memory.
The difference between singular and plural.
Pronouns and adjectives.
Practising joins.
Consistency in size of letters.
We have so far been focusing on non-fiction texts but will also be reading a variety of fiction texts in the coming weeks to develop our ability to interpret information from a text.