Class of 2021D

——PRIMARY 7D—MONTHLY BLOG—East Renfrewshire Site

It is good to be back!

We are happy to be back in school and back into our normal routines. We are looking forward to making the most of our last term of primary school.


In Literacy, we have nearly finished our Novel Study, Tom’s Midnight Garden. We have been working on answering different types of questions in comprehension and have been revising parts of speech and learning about parenthesis.  In writing we created a superhero with a disability in order to raise awareness and then created a comic strip about our superhero. Our comics were fantastic.


In Numeracy, we have been learning many different mental maths strategies and we have been revising what we know about fractions, decimals and percentages, time durations, data handling and we are currently learning about ratio.



We have been spending time preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation which will complete our journey of initiation. We are in the process of sharing our presentations about our chosen saint or our faith with our classmates. Throughout this journey we have been learning about lots of role models including Oscar Romero, Marianne Cope, St. John Bosco, St. Vincent de Paul, Margaret Sinclair, Archbishop Oscar Romero and many more.


Last week Mr Docherty visited our class with two former pupils who are now in S6. We got the opportunity to hear about what life will be like for us in S1 and to ask some questions about the year ahead. Exciting times!


We have taken part in live virtual lessons in Mandarin. So far we have learned how to say hello, good bye, how are you and the numbers 1-10. This has been great fun. We are looking forward to our second and final bike ability on road session in in May.

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