Class of 2021D

——PRIMARY 7D—MONTHLY BLOG—East Renfrewshire Site

Welcome Back P7d!

We have settled well into school and are working hard and loving spending time with our friends again.  We are working hard and are developing our skills in Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing and RE.  

In Literacy we are enjoying our imaginative writing tasks. We have been trying hard to make our writing engaging and interesting for the reader. We are learning to make good use of sentence openers and interesting vocabulary. We are making use of the senses to enhance our descriptions.  We have been working on our comprehension skills and are now more confident when finding evidence in the passage to help us to answer the question or find information.

We particular enjoyed an imaginative piece of writing called The Howl.  Several children have received a Star Writer Award for producing fantastic pieces of writing. We have spent time working on our Talking and Listening skills in the outdoors and we have even revised our spelling words and rules on the forest floor.



In Numeracy we have been revising the 4 operations (add, subtract, multiply and divide) and are now making progress with fractions whilst revising the multiplication tables.  We have been working on our mental maths skills and are now more confident when completing mental maths tasks and this will continue to improve. We are now more confident when working with fractions and can find fractions of quantities, equivalent fractions, we can work with both mixed and improper fractions and we can add and subtract fractions. We have also been learning to solve problems making use of various problem solving strategies. We have been making use of our knowledge of mathematics and challenging ourselves through outdoor learning and we are looking forward to designing an area to plant some trees in our school grounds.


We love PE and have been enjoying working as part of a team in athletics to further develop our skills in Athletics. We have been taking part in the mile run from time to time also and we are getting fitter and faster.


In RE we have been following the Liturgical Calendar and trying to live the Gospel message in our daily lives. We have learned about the lives of many saints including St Ninian, St. Pio and St. Matthew.


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