Mr Burns has been introducing us to one of his favourite artists, Shania Twain, hence the title. Anyway, thank goodness a break is coming up, we think that we’ve all done very well since August, kept the band wagon (and learning) going, and fully deserve to down tools and relax for a while. You too, it’s been a bit of a slog for everyone! All pumped for Christmas though and determined to make the most of the festive period in terms of being upbeat and in good form throughout. That’s our promise to you, happy little smiley people (Santa performance dependent of course). By now you’ve hopefully seen our two Christmas video messages, the hard work and effort by all perhaps doesn’t shine through in the finished product but it was definitely in there along with a lot of laughs and fun. Hope you enjoyed, that was the sentiment. We’ve also got our Secret Santa to look forward to this week, hijacked by PC Burns (from the Fun Police) – something along the lines of wanting it to run smoothly, sure thing he just wanted to be involved, feel important as usual. Not to mention our Christmas Parties also – lots of goodies have been arriving from the PSA (via you I think) which we are very grateful for (hold dinner on Thursday thanks!).
It’s not been too long since we last blogged, but we’ve been busy as ever. We were the first class to teach the £50 Mission target (does boasting about charity work lessen the goodness?) Probably, oops, too late now. In RE, in addition to the Christmas story video, we’ve been doing Stars of Hope (containing some personal messages for next year) and a Nativity Story Art scene. We’ve also been busy at home, as you know, creating our PowerPoints to deliver in class. Oh and all the crosses from last month are now up on the wall!
In other highlights, Human Rights Day was this month and we did a bit about racial inequality and injustice. We also sent our Climate Change posters / leaflets in postcard form to the President of COP26! Whilst outdoors we’ve been abseiling, tree planting and building nests / rafts / bridges…..not to mention the occasional game of Two Man Hunt at the end. We also finished Algebra and took on four quadrant coordinates. In Literacy, we wrote about the Blitz and took on the role of an evacuee child. Our Achievement wall is ever growing as you can see and we said goodbye to Miss Nugent which was sad, but we were glad of the time with her, she broke up the time with Mr Burns a bit which is always good.
Mr Burns has asked that we thank you for his gift(s) which he is yet to open and to wish you a Merry Christmas from him, Mrs Burns and Gabriel. Roll on January (but not too fast!)
Merry Christmas Everyone!