Class of 2021b

—–PRIMARY 7B—-MONTHLY BLOG—- East Renfrewshire site

June 21, 2021
by Mr Burns

A sprint finish

A sprint finish indeed, certainly no saunter to the end of term for us. Mr Burns is calling it ‘the long goodbye’, but we don’t really know what he means. Needless to say we don’t have much to report here that you don’t already know or have seen on Google Classroom – Bellahouston skiing, Craigie hill walk, James Hamilton Heritage Park, the Prom, St Ninian’s trip, Leavers’ Mass and Loch Ken! We would like to thank you for sending us on these trips, the school for organising and the PSA too for their dedication to the cause. We do realise, and appreciate, that everyone has clubbed together to try and make the end of our P7 as good as it could be – we’re lucky. Mr Burns also asked us to thank you on his behalf for your support, your kindness towards him and his family and your positive feedback throughout the year. We hope you’re not too sad about us leaving St Cadoc’s, we know some of you parents will be severing ties with the school for good after lots of years, and we promise to try and give you even better memories in the next chapter.



May 25, 2021
by Mr Burns

The Calm before the June Storm

‘Storm’ in a good way we hasten to add! June is shaping up to be awesome, hopefully all goes to plan of course.  Once we get the first week of June behind us then the last 3 weeks of primary school (eek!) are very busy and super exciting! Someone said that the weather is to change for the better as well which will make it even more enjoyable. We have the James Hamilton water experience, a day at St Ninian’s, a party at the Redhurst, skiing at Bellahouston, our Leavers’ Mass, a trip to Loch Lomond, our parents get our report cards (argh) and we go on a hill walk. Also, a lot of us are going to Loch Ken on Saturday 5th (the Burnses are heading down in the afternoon too) and there’s also fun and games organised for after the last day of school – Bonkers Bus and Craufurdland! Exhausting to say the least, we’ll be ready for our ‘52 days off in a row summer holiday’ (think that’s the number Mr Burns said).

So, in the background of June, some might say that May has been boring. But it hasn’t been at all, apart from the usual assessments that come with P7, the main reason being the bank holidays! Plus we got another extra day because of the election – we love those ones because Mr Burns was working. Only joking, May was special obviously because of the Confirmations! They were really nice and memorable (thanks to Canon Eddie) and we’re proud now to be full members of the Catholic Church and ready for the responsibility that brings (pics below). Many of us celebrated Eid too, fun and parties all round. We’ve also had Sports Day which was a lot of fun even if a little bit different to usual (GC for videos and photos). We got involved in National Numeracy Day – did a few things with that, the most notable being our raps (GC a must for those videos). Our Maths Challenge results came in and all 8 of us won the Silver or Bronze Award so that was very impressive (pic). Currently we’re working on our Yearbook entries and we’re getting ready for a little P7B World of Work Week coming up. Never a dull moment – speak again soon, for the last time…………




April 28, 2021
by Mr Burns

Looking forward …..

Not blogged for a while due to the situation from January to mid-March. No point really in ever looking back, however worth saying that we thought everyone did well and did their best – we can all hold our heads high.

It’s great to be back at school now and hopefully we’ve got much to look forward to in the last couple of months of P7, both in school and out with. Certainly everyone is up for it and eager to make the most of whatever we can all manage. We’re back with our friends, Mr Burns is there too, restrictions are slowly lifting, the weather has generally been better, as we said, things are on the up!!!

Bit of revision, ‘back into the swing’ activities, again as you would expect, but the highlights of the short while being back at school has to have been the Easter holidays 🙂 Only joking, we’ve had quite a few interesting things going on…

Mr Docherty popped down to see us, brought a couple of S6 former St Cadoc’s pupils with him too. It’s all getting very exciting and he mentioned that hopefully we would get down to St Ninian’s fairly soon for an outdoor sports sort of a day which sounds great. We’re also returning to a bit of Outdoor Learning, this time on a Tuesday afternoon to the forest. We’ve celebrated Easter, Confirmation prep is gathering pace, some of us are fasting for Ramadan, we made posters for Earth Day (the plight of endangered species), we finished ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ and then watched it in class, Mandarin has started remotely from China etc etc!!! So, plenty going on and much more to come in the last term. Look forward…..

We’ve also had a couple of new additions to the class, two girls! Welcome, Cassie and Florence.

The P7B tribe.


December 16, 2020
by Mr Burns

‘Looks like we made it…….’

Mr Burns has been introducing us to one of his favourite artists, Shania Twain, hence the title. Anyway, thank goodness a break is coming up, we think that we’ve all done very well since August, kept the band wagon (and learning) going, and fully deserve to down tools and relax for a while. You too, it’s been a bit of a slog for everyone! All pumped for Christmas though and determined to make the most of the festive period in terms of being upbeat and in good form throughout. That’s our promise to you, happy little smiley people (Santa performance dependent of course).  By now you’ve hopefully seen our two Christmas video messages, the hard work and effort by all perhaps doesn’t shine through in the finished product but it was definitely in there along with a lot of laughs and fun. Hope you enjoyed, that was the sentiment. We’ve also got our Secret Santa to look forward to this week, hijacked by PC Burns (from the Fun Police) – something along the lines of wanting it to run smoothly, sure thing he just wanted to be involved, feel important as usual. Not to mention our Christmas Parties also – lots of goodies have been arriving from the PSA (via you I think) which we are very grateful for (hold dinner on Thursday thanks!).

It’s not been too long since we last blogged, but we’ve been busy as ever. We were the first class to teach the £50 Mission target (does boasting about charity work lessen the goodness?) Probably, oops, too late now. In RE, in addition to the Christmas story video, we’ve been doing Stars of Hope (containing some personal messages for next year) and a Nativity Story Art scene. We’ve also been busy at home, as you know, creating our PowerPoints to deliver in class. Oh and all the crosses from last month are now up on the wall!

In other highlights, Human Rights Day was this month and we did a bit about racial inequality and injustice. We also sent our Climate Change posters / leaflets in postcard form to the President of COP26! Whilst outdoors we’ve been abseiling, tree planting and building nests / rafts / bridges…..not to mention the occasional game of Two Man Hunt at the end. We also finished Algebra and took on four quadrant coordinates. In Literacy, we wrote about the Blitz and took on the role of an evacuee child. Our Achievement wall is ever growing as you can see and we said goodbye to Miss Nugent which was sad, but we were glad of the time with her, she broke up the time with Mr Burns a bit which is always good.

Mr Burns has asked that we thank you for his gift(s) which he is yet to open and to wish you a Merry Christmas from him, Mrs Burns and Gabriel. Roll on January (but not too fast!)

Merry Christmas Everyone!


November 25, 2020
by Mr Burns

‘November Rain’

So, can I please have a Playstation 5 for Christmas?!? We will wear you down using any means possible.

Ok, back to the matter at hand, busy as ever at school this month, even more so than usual it seems. We’ve had quite a few ‘celebrations’ that have taken us away from the norm which is always good. A big effort was made with Halloween by all (apart from Burnsy of course, the Ebenezer Scrooge of Halloween they call him – apathy apparently something to do with a Sumo suit and being teased…..). The party in the afternoon was fun, thanks to the PSA for sending in some goodies, always appreciated. We’ve also had Scottish Book Week where we read for over 40 minutes in class – a treat for all concerned. Just nice to do from time to time as school can be manically busy. World Children’s Day has also been (wearing blue day) and for this we really knuckled down and spent a lot of time, in school and at home, on Climate Change. Such an important matter of course and we were all very proud of our finished pieces of work (attached). As part of this Day we also made our own Rights tree with Miss Nugent – sometimes don’t realise how lucky we are.

We’ve had quite an R.E. focused month too, starting off with All Saints and All Souls. We prepared our own class Remembrance Booklet and are especially praying for them during the whole month of November. To commemorate November we also designed our own crosses ‘housed’ within a keyhole – the idea being that ‘the cross is the key to heaven’. Some of them have been used for the R.E. wall in the middle bit of the school. Then it was Interfaith Week and we learned, quite often from our own classmates, more about Islam and Hinduism. Currently we’re in the middle of Catholic Education Week / Fortnight and we’ve been investigating a multitude of saints which ties in nicely with selecting our Confirmation saint which needs to be done now.

Usual humdrum stuff going on of course too, not much to write home about, but highlights include Dunkirk newspaper reports, 2D and 3D shape during Maths (now going onto Algebra), Bikeability on the road of course, getting outdoors still, etc. etc.

Oh and a piece of good news as well with Mr Burns telling us that Gabriel is going to be a big brother come April. Two children under two! What an eejit, but can only be a good thing for us surely. I mean some might say that he’s taken his eye off the ball somewhat with just one on the go, but can you imagine him with two! That last term is going to be a breeze for us. Happy Days!

P7B childer

October 28, 2020
by Mr Burns

Autumn has arrived (in the shape of winter) – October news in our classroom

Hello again, been a while, but seems like yesterday…….

So, let’s start with the important stuff like the October week! It was great for everyone to have a rest, a well earned rest. We’ve been working hard since August, and of course it’s been a bit of a shock to the system being back in school (and with all the changes),  but also especially a rest for poor Mr Burns. He had parents evenings the week we finished into the bargain, I mean talking to each of you for 10 minutes (23 minutes for one set of parents he mentioned) – it takes each one of us at least a week to accumulate that sort of length of dialogue with you. Heroic.

We were glad to get a Primary 7 activity under our belt with the first session of Bikeability, it was fun and we’re really looking forward, in early November, to the next session which will be all day and take place on the road! Some photos below of us on our bikes down at Crookfur. It was also good to meet Canon Eddie from St Cadoc’s church who is visiting the school every Friday for a class mass. Mr Burns offered to take first turn, ‘the guinea pigs’, and unsurprisingly we did tremendously well. Mr Burns said he was ‘very proud of us and proved what he knew already, that we could pull it out of the bag whenever it mattered’. As you know, another Primary 7 rite of passage has been achieved in our ‘Harwell Hall’ piece of writing (© Mr McLaughlin) – hope you enjoyed the finished article at home.

In other news, we’re just about finished our mini topic on countries of the world, a homework task due next week will be added to some illustrations we’ve been doing in class to create a wall display in school. Will Tweet when we’ve finished. Moving onto WWII now which we’re excited about. Lots of outdoor activities still, managed up to the upper forest and we’ve tried some different P.E. games just to mix things up a bit. Autumn poems, changing the world, Decimals, Maths is Fun (???), spelling, grammar, comprehe…….. (sorry nodded off there). Roll on Halloween, some fun!

Be in touch


September 23, 2020
by Mr Burns

‘Back in the saddle’ – September 2020

Hello ‘folks’, first of all we’re as glad to be back at school as you are glad to have us back! Great to see our friends, more variety to our day, back to some sort of routine and structure, learning new things again and, of course, an end to having to teach you how to do things.

Mr Burns, it seems, is not all he’s cracked up to be. He’s actually really moany, he’s always saying we’re not listening. Well at least we think he says that……….. It’s early days I suppose, he might improve.

We do have a few new things going on in the classroom though – ‘Peak of the Week’, Achievement Wall, ‘Stars of the Week’, birthday balloons, there’s more to come we’re sure.

In terms of schoolwork, at the start we did a bit of revision across the board as expected. Just to see where we’re all at. We’ve since moved on to Fractions and now Decimals in Maths with Percentages to come after. Quite a few of us were very happy with our Assessment Poster showcasing all our knowledge regarding Fractions. In Literacy we’ve been doing quite a bit of comprehension, Burnsy does this ‘Quick-Fire Comp’ which is slightly more palatable. Writing has focused on Writer’s Craft where you continue a story in the style of the author. We’ll be bringing home a creation in a short while for you to pin on the fridge.  Lots of P.E. and learning about ourselves and each other in Health & Wellbeing. We had a crack at Mindfulness too and we’re going to keep at it going forward. As you know, we’ve been outside quite a bit (in all weathers!) and we’re always trying to think of creative ways to learn about our Numeracy, Literacy and Health & Wellbeing while we’re out there. A thanks to Mrs Hutchison and Mrs Verdinelli for coming along on a Tuesday morning which lets us get to the forest.

Other headlines would be our Cartoon Creations which we’re extremely proud of – we’ve heard lots of people admire them on the way past. We’ve been learning about Vocations, different feast days and the messages in bible passages during R.E. We got to choose which country we wanted to investigate and also which aspects we want to find more about. The idea is that we feedback to each other and that way we learn more about a wider variety of countries. We’re also doing the Solar System with Ms Harris when she comes in.

There’s also been plenty of high jinks, usual suspects in the middle of things. Can’t tell you anymore than that, but hopefully you don’t hear more about them at the Parents’ Evenings coming up………..

Speak to you again in a month, hope you are well. J

Your child in P7B


March 2, 2020
by User deactivated

An update from 6B

We have been really busy preparing for a show and practicing songs and acting scenes.

Euro Quiz

Two people from our class went to the euro quiz they came in 3rd place well done.

Dance Club Competition

A few classmates went to a dance competition.They came first in hip hop cheer and lyrical solo and won overall. They picked up 7 trophies.

Chess Day

We had so much fun some of our classmates were taking part and lots of us were helping. The people who achieved the number of points to go through to mega finals were very happy.We even got chocolates for helping.

Learning  Assembly

We are preparing for a show which we will perform for our friends and family.We are working very hard and hoping our friends and family will like it.


We recently did an experiment we recorded our results in a lab report and the results were varied in the class, we really enjoyed it.

Lent Promises

We all made our lent promises and wrote them in our RE jotter we said if it was going to be easy or hard.


We have been busy practising for our competition we have built a crane a bear home and a digger.

Daily Mile

We have been doing a daily mile every week to improve our fitness skills.


We do mindfulness on Mondays and Wednesday.


All the groups are doing decimals we are adding and subtracting.

Street child

We have now got a booklet where we complete questions on street child.


With Miss Gray we are doing a music poster of a genre of our choice we are doing research on chromebooks.We  hope the turn out great.



Thanks for reading   we hope you enjoyed it   we will be back soon with another update.



January 30, 2020
by User deactivated

What we have been doing this week

Hi there I guess you have been wondering what we have been doing this week.


Scots language week

This week in writing we   re-wrote a verse of To a mouse by Robert Burns. We had to understand scots language

and convert a verse into standard english.



2 of the groups have been drawing angles we found this hard at first, but now we get it. The other group have been multiplying 3 digit numbers by 1 digit , they found carrying numbers a little tricky at first.


Going to the care home

This week we went to Well -Meadow care home. We read to the residents and we also talked to them.All of as are looking forward to going back soon.



In technology we started on our k’nex challenge, we got paired up by the teacher and made bridges out of k’nex.We had certain requirements to reach like the bridge needs to be at least 15cm high and 30cm long.



This week we have been researching Queen Victoria’s life. We did different researching techniques  like reading books, using the chromebooks and watching a powerpoint. Then we split into groups to create a timeline.


Racism posters

This week we made racism posters to enter into the competition  the theme this year is Euro 2020. One entry  from each class gets selected for the competition.



In swimming we have been doing front crawl , back crawl  and butterfly.


Thanks for reading we will be back soon with another update.





January 24, 2020
by User deactivated

Here’s what has been going on in P6B

Greetings fellow oxygen consumers,

Street Child


Recently we started reading a new novel called Street Child. It’s about a boy called Jim, his sisters and his mum. We have incorporated the book into our work by doing comprehension and drama about it.



We have started a new topic in science, Micro organisms. we learned about 5 different types of  micro organisms including bacteria, viruses, algae, protozoa and fungus. We made a fact file about these micro organisms.



In R.E we have been focusing on the Pope Francis Faith Award. So far we have learned about knowledge and piety. We have also made poster about the baptism of the Lord.



We have started doing swimming lessons every Monday. We have been split into 3 groups and have been developing our swimming skills.



We have started to learn about Victorians in class. We made a a KWL grid about the Victorians. We are looking forward to learning more about Victorians soon.



What we have been doing with Miss Gray


DIY Classroom


DIY classroom helps us be independent with our work and to manage our tasks well.




We have been learning how to play a Glockenspiel and playing the harry potter theme tune. We have been learning about the orchestra and will be continuing learning about the orchestra next week.




With Miss Gray we have been practising for the K’Nex competition out of a lot of schools in the west of Scotland. This week we needed to design a baby buggy to fit in a teddy.

Health And Well being


In health and well being we started to learn about substance misuse and the dangers of drugs. We learned that you should only take prescribed medicines and that if you take too much drugs, it will have a bad effect on your body.


Other stuff that has been happening


            School show


Well done to a few of our classmates for getting into the school show.




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