Class of 2021b

—–PRIMARY 7B—-MONTHLY BLOG—- East Renfrewshire site

Autumn has arrived (in the shape of winter) – October news in our classroom


Hello again, been a while, but seems like yesterday…….

So, let’s start with the important stuff like the October week! It was great for everyone to have a rest, a well earned rest. We’ve been working hard since August, and of course it’s been a bit of a shock to the system being back in school (and with all the changes),  but also especially a rest for poor Mr Burns. He had parents evenings the week we finished into the bargain, I mean talking to each of you for 10 minutes (23 minutes for one set of parents he mentioned) – it takes each one of us at least a week to accumulate that sort of length of dialogue with you. Heroic.

We were glad to get a Primary 7 activity under our belt with the first session of Bikeability, it was fun and we’re really looking forward, in early November, to the next session which will be all day and take place on the road! Some photos below of us on our bikes down at Crookfur. It was also good to meet Canon Eddie from St Cadoc’s church who is visiting the school every Friday for a class mass. Mr Burns offered to take first turn, ‘the guinea pigs’, and unsurprisingly we did tremendously well. Mr Burns said he was ‘very proud of us and proved what he knew already, that we could pull it out of the bag whenever it mattered’. As you know, another Primary 7 rite of passage has been achieved in our ‘Harwell Hall’ piece of writing (© Mr McLaughlin) – hope you enjoyed the finished article at home.

In other news, we’re just about finished our mini topic on countries of the world, a homework task due next week will be added to some illustrations we’ve been doing in class to create a wall display in school. Will Tweet when we’ve finished. Moving onto WWII now which we’re excited about. Lots of outdoor activities still, managed up to the upper forest and we’ve tried some different P.E. games just to mix things up a bit. Autumn poems, changing the world, Decimals, Maths is Fun (???), spelling, grammar, comprehe…….. (sorry nodded off there). Roll on Halloween, some fun!

Be in touch


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