Writing a CV

This page is designed to support you when writing your CV
A great resource to help you get started with your CV is the My world of Work  website
If you haven’ t already done so, create an account and start keeping a log of all your fantastic work experience and skills gained to date
Guidance on writing a CV

My Name is……

Address 1, Address 2, Town, Postcode
Tel: 0141 123 4567 Mobile: 01234567890 Email: mynameis@email.com

Name and contact details:

  • Name should be in large font so it is the first thing the reader knows and remembers about you
  • Contact details should be listed across the page and can be in as small a font as required in order to get them on 2 lines
  • Your contact details should be current – always use telephone numbers that actually work and one where the caller can leave you a message
  • Use a professional sounding email address – if in doubt make a new one with your real name on it, no funkyfairies or madmentalmikes

Career Aims

This section sets your CV in context by stating what it is you are applying for and where it fits into your career.  You would change this section for every category of job you apply for.

For example if you were applying for a part time retail job:

“I am a 5th year pupil at St Ninian’s High School.  I have strong skills of communication, teamwork and problem solving.  I am able to meet deadlines as I have excellent time management skills.  My existing skills have been developed by my commitment to my work and also my participation in the Sports leader (for example)”

You then go on into the main body of your CV to explain the skills mentioned above and adding more details about them as well as giving actual proof of how you developed these skills.

Key Skills

List three to five skills which you consider yourself to have and are relevant to the job you are applying for.  For example there is no point talking about the Lab skills you have gained in Higher Chemistry when you are applying for a retail position but this would be good if you were hoping to volunteer at a lab during the summer holidays.

Once you have sub headings go onto give actual examples of using these skills in practice.  For example:


  • During the last summer holiday I worked in a local hotel as a waitress.  A high level of customer service was expected as we attracted a lot of tourists to the area and there is competition between the various hotels for customers. I was consistently friendly, welcoming and helpful to the customers. 
  • At school I have been given the opportunity to work with groups in the class to make PowerPoint presentations on topics relevant to the lessons.  To do this you need to be able to work with others you may or may not know and be able to explain concepts accurately to a varied audience


Problem Solving:

Time management:

The headings above are additional examples of the types of employability skills you should be able to demonstrate


You should mention all exam level and additional certificate courses you have completed.  The order should be based on the order they were achieved. For example:

Intermediate 2 achieved 2011

  • English A
  • Maths B
  • Chemistry B
  • Geography B
  • History C
  • Computing studies C
  • Music C


Having some work experience in the form of a part time job or voluntary summer placement is a good way to demonstrate that you have the initiative and can apply the skills learned at school to a workplace.  It will also show that you are motivated, hardworking and reliable.

Though if this is your first job do not be disheartened and ensure you add any work related experience that you do have.

Additional skills and experience

This is the section you can detail the skills and experiences you have which don’t fit into the other headings but you feel are valuable to the job and say something about you. This section can include things like:

Travel, driving licence, IT skills, languages, sports, First aid skills or any schemes or initiatives you have been involved it.


Ideally 1 work related from a part time job and 1 academic (teacher for example) if you have no previous work references then you can use a character reference. Make sure their contact details are current, accurate and that you have their permission to use them as a reference.