University of Glasgow Information Sessions

Glasgow University are inviting students interested in applying to them to come and meet them at one of their UofG Information Sessions.  At the sessions their Recruitment Officers will give a short presentation followed by a Q&A where their current students will be available to answer any questions applicants may have about studying or life in Glasgow.

Students can register here.

In addition, their Lecturers are running a series of sessions on a variety of subjects:


Psychology at Glasgow – 18th November 11am

Theology and Religious Studies

Design Arguments – 24 November 1.30pm

Free Will and Responsibility – 1 December 1.30pm

The Problem of Evil & Suffering – 8 December 1.30pm


Practical Applications of Physics Principles – 2 December 1pm

Software Engineering

Software Engineering Graduate Apprenticeships – 9 December


Annual Geography Christmas Lecture – Building Hopeful Futures: Climate Change and the Climate Crisis – 13 December 1pm


Quantum technology is an exciting new interdisciplinary field, which aims to use quantum mechanical effects to improve performance over existing techniques, notably in information processing, communications, sensing and imaging. It has seen recent worldwide investment from both governments and industry, and is expected to provide new employment opportunities in the medium to long term.

Live online sessions will take place in the evenings of December 6-8 2021, and activity packs will be provided to registered schools for pupils to work on in the weeks before this. QTS is aimed at pupils studying Physics or Computing Science at Higher or Advanced Higher at the time of the School.

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