Virtual Law Work Placement Opportunity

Fantastic ‘virtual’ Work Insight & Skills programme for S4/S5/S6 students interested in a career in law, finance or business.

Run by the award winning Social Mobility Business Partnership, this virtual offering will take place during 21st to 25th June 2021. Students will spend up to three hours each day meeting with different high profile organisations where they will learn about that business and get involved in business-like tasks and games. The week will also include a session learning about the psychology of resilience and goal achievement.

Students wishing to take part must:

– Attend state school; and
– Have achieved or is on course to achieve a minimum of BBB by end of S5, including English and Mathematics.

And, meet one or more of the following:

– First generation to attend university; or
– Are or have been eligible for free school meals in the last 6 years (NB FSM eligibility criteria includes benefits measure and pupil premium links back to FSM eligibility in the last 6 years); or
– Has received or is eligible for an Education Maintenance Allowance; or
– Where the young person is, or has been a carer; or
– If the young person is or has been in the care system; or
– Lives in a postcode with a SIMD ranking of 1-3 (30% most deprived areas) – you can check here.

If you are interested, please speak to you pastoral support teacher by Friday 23rd April

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