Institution of Civil Engineers – Careers Talks plus Webinars (16-18 yrs)

Please see details below of webinar sessions and careers talks organised by ICE.

The organisation is offering careers talks for senior pupils to anyone who wants one, as an introduction. This would be Scottish specific and cover what civil engineering is and where it fits into the world, different routes into the profession – foundation/modern/graduate apprenticeships, full and part-time study and scholarships. This could be live via a Microsoft Teams meeting or through a pre-recorded video, whichever format is easiest to work with. Please see Pastoral if interested.

Following on from that, interested pupils can access the Inspiration Series webinars. These can be accessed here  and will be aired live every other week on Thursdays from 11 to 12pm. Each event will be available to view on the ICE website immediately afterwards and also on ICE’s You Tube channel. These will cover:-

  1. 24th September “Why civil engineering? Engineering a better environment”
  2. 8th October “Why civil engineering? Saving lives”
  3. 22nd October “Why civil engineering? Designing and building the future”
  4. 5th November “What it’s like being a civil engineering university student”
  5. 19th November “What it’s like being a civil engineering apprentice”
  6. 3rd December “How do I become a civil engineer? How to apply and how to get an ICE QUEST scholarship”
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