Want to Learn More About Foundation Apprenticeships?

On behalf of Glasgow’s regional colleges; Glasgow Kelvin College will be hosting an event at The Glasgow Film Theatre during Scottish Apprenticeship Week.

Skills for the Future – The Importance of Apprenticeships” The focus of this event is to raise the awareness of Foundation Apprenticeships (FAs) and the journey of our students through their  FA.

Following on from the national campaign by Skills Development Scotland, we welcome along any employer, parent, school teacher or pupil who wants to know more about Foundation Apprenticeships. The event will give key information and a guide to Foundation Apprenticeships. We will also have current employers and students there on the day to give an insight into their FA experience.  For parents and pupils attending we will also give you an understanding of where an FA can lead to once successfully completed.  As an employer you will gain an understanding of how taking on an FA will benefit your business.

Date: 8th March

Time: 09.30-12.00

Venue: Glasgow Film Theatre,  12 Rose Street, Glasgow, G3 6RB


Register using the Event Brite link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/skills-for-the-future-the-importance-of-apprenticeships-tickets-57596241910

For more information about the vocational Programme and Foundation Apprenticeships available for next year, visit the St Ninian’s High School Vocational Website

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