Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Interview Seminars in Scotland

The University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge are delighted to be visiting Scotland from the 29th-31st August 2018 to deliver a series of interview seminars for students who may be considering applying to Oxford, Cambridge, or other competitive universities.

The events are open to students in S6, and to their teachers and advisers.

The Interview Seminars will be helpful to students considering Oxford or Cambridge as well as for those applying for subjects which will involve academic interviews. They will be delivered by academic staff and admissions officers from the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge.

The Interview Seminars each last approximately 3 hours and will be delivered in the following locations:

Aberdeen Grammar School, Wednesday 29 August, 14:00-17:00

Venue and Time TBC, Thursday 30 August, Morning

Venue and Time TBC, Friday 31 August, Morning

Teachers are invited to attend with their students, although this is not compulsory.

The seminars will cover a range of topics, including:

  • Why Oxford and Cambridge
  • Making an application: interviews
  • Break out sessions: students will have a chance to find out more about interviews in the subject they’re interested in
  • Q&A

Schools are required to make a booking on behalf of their students. To do so please complete this online application form by no later than 9am on Thursday 21st June.

If you have any queries, please contact: scotlandoutreach@admin.ox.ac.uk

A poster for this event can be found here. 

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