Rainbow Room International Modern Apprenticeship

Rainbow Room International are recruiting candidates aged 16-19 for SVQ Level 2 and SVQ Level 3 Modern Apprenticeships in Hairdressing with some limited availability for those aged 20-24.

Successful applicants will be invited for an initial interview and given the opportunity to see around our academy.

You are welcome to bring your parent/s and/or guardian/s with you to your interview. We would recommend that you do bring them to allow them to understand and support your career choice.

If you are successful in gaining a place at the academy you will be sent for an interview at one of our 12 salons or the Salon of one of our training partners, which is where you will be employed.

You will need to be successful in both interviews in order to take up a training place. Please bring the following with you to your interview:

  1. Your Educational certificates and qualifications PHOTOCOPIES ONLY 
  2.  A project – Titled ‘100 Years of Hairdressing.’ This can be in any format you like and will help you understand a bit about the hairdressing industry as well as giving us a chance to assess your commitment.

If you have any further questions about the Academy or training please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Academy on 0141 221 0400 or academy@rainbowroominternational.com.

Additional information can be found in the Rainbow Room Modern Apprenticeship application pack.

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