STEM Easter bunny lollies

This week P5a have been investigating changes of matter in STEM, we changed chocolate from a solid into a liquid by melting it  🍫

when the chocolate was melted we shaped it into little bunnies to make chocolate lollies πŸ˜‹

Refugee Welcome Packs

Inspired by our class novel β€˜The Boy at the Back of the Class’ we decided we wanted to help real life refugees like Ahmet from the book πŸ“•.

We have been campaigning for donations and with your kind help we have been able to make lots of welcome packs for to give to refuweegee charity to help refugee children arriving in Glasgow 🧑.

We got into groups and decided on the age and gender of the child we wanted to make packs for and then wrote letters to put in them, here are one pictures of our journey!



British Science Week

P5a had a busy week doing lots of STEM related activities for British Science Week πŸ§ͺ

Mrs Anwar who is a phlebotomist came into tell us how she uses time in her work πŸ•°οΈ we then got to try on some of the special equipment she uses in her job 🧀

We had lots of fun trying some of the 6 brick LEGO challenges experimenting with eingeneering and creating algorithms 🧱

The STEM leaders did a fun lesson on speed, distance and time with the children πŸ•°οΈ