Digital Helpers

This afternoon Primary 6a visited Primary 4  to offer assistance and share expertise about creating digital museums on Google Classroom. I was so impressed with the effort and support Primary 6 were able to offer, they demonstrated super digital skills!


Morning Math Fun

Today in Primary 6a we were continuing with our shape topic. We took part in stations, drawing circles with compasses and constructing 3D objects. We used spaghetti and play doh to construct the 3D objects which allowed us to clearly identify the edges, corners and faces of the different objects. When using a compass to draw circles, we had to carefully follow instructions about the radius of the circle to ensure our circles were accurate.


Non Renewable & Renewable Energy

We are learning about renewable and non renewable energy. We split into two halves of the class and wrote the advantages and the other dis advantages.

Here are some examples from each side: 

Renewable disadvantage – wind turbines in wind farms are expensive to set up and there is not always enough windy weather.

Renewable advantage – once it is set up it is cheap to run. 

Non-renewable disadvantage – creates pollution and will eventually run out. 

Non-renewable advantage – they are reliable sources of energy meaning that they can provide power whenever it is needed.

Health and Wellbeing

We are learning about the risk and safety of different situations. Some situations were about putting private information online, other ones were about cyber bullying, and spreading fake news these scenarios helped us learn about the safety of ourself and our friends online.

We are looking forward to sharing our learning with others next week when we are going to create a resource to help people stay safe online. 


This afternoon Primary 6 researched the symbols associated with Advent, particularly the Jesse Tree. They identified a range of symbols that may be present on the tree and used Bibles to find out the meaning behind the symbols.

Learning about the 5 Pillars of Islam

Today we were learning about The 5 Pillars of Islam! We learned that Pillar 1 is called Shahadah, Pillar 2 is called Salat, Pillar 3 is called Zakat,  Pillar 4 is called Swam, and finally Pillar 5 is called Hajj!

Emmie: It was fun and I like learning about it!
Tyler: I enjoyed learning about this!
Elaine: at first it was hard to understand

Kyle: It was very interesting to learn about Islam!

~ Isla-Rose & Ayat.

Morning problem solving

This morning we did  some problem solving during maths and at the end we got to make our own problem. We used the strategies of working backwards and reasoning logically.
Here’s some opinions from our class:

Elaine-“It was hard at first until we did a few more”

Reuben-“It was fun and challenging, we got to make our own!”

Joshua-“It is a good way to improve on your problem solving skills.”

P6a with Miss Day

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