Lunar New Year

This week was the start of the lunar new year and we have been learning about this in class. We then made lanterns and wrote some Chinese symbols ๐Ÿฎ.

Forest School ๐ŸŒณ

“I loved being partners with Aria at the forest!” – Lena

“It was so good to see the Forest School cat again!” – Ahyaan

“The swing was so much fun!” – Keerthi

“I love Forest School!” – Alexander

“Forest School is really fun!” -Lucy

“I think Forest School is the best!” – AJ


Ranger visit

Last week we had a visit from the Dams to Darnley ranger Rennie, he showed us some of his samples and taught us all about the different animals and insects that can be found at the dams ย ๐Ÿƒ


Good Afternoon,

P3s Social Studies Topic for Term 2 is Inspirational People.

As part of this topic we will be learning about John Logie Baird, the Scottish Inventor whoย demonstrated the world’s first live working television system.

In class we are going to be creating out own television models in small groups.

To help with this Technologies experience we would be very grateful for donations of:

Cardboard boxes
Bottle Caps

We are asking for these to be brought in for the 16th December.

Many Thanks,
Mrs O’Neil and Miss Kennedy

Love, Faith and Understanding

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