P5a 2024/2025

Mrs Paterson and Mrs Sutherland

May 4, 2023
by gw20walkersarah@glow

…..P3a Read all about it !

Primary 3a enjoyed exploring and reading ‘First News’ before writing their own newspaper articles . They identified a variety of writing features and shared some interesting pieces of news !

April 28, 2023
by gw20walkersarah@glow

Drama Time in P3a

Primary 3a enjoyed choosing their favourite part of the silent short film “The Shoemaker “, and created a freeze frame. They showed super body language and facial expressions . Fantastic work !

March 31, 2023
by gw20walkersarah@glow

Terrific Tessellation

Primary 3 enjoyed their active stations to identify which 2D shapes can tesselate and created  their own fantastic  tessellation patterns -they loved using  concrete,  abstract and pictorial resources.  

March 8, 2023
by gw20walkersarah@glow

Mary’s Meals

Primary 3 really enjoyed their visit from John who works with Mary’s Meals this morning . Well done again to Mike’s for all his fantastic fundraising !

March 3, 2023
by gw20walkersarah@glow

Amazing Author Visit

Primary 3 were so lucky to have a visit from the incredible children’s author M.Chang . We learned about her book the ‘Tiger Warrior’ and even designed our own Chinese Zodiac super warriors !

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