On Tuesday we created an explanation of the Life Cycle of Axolotls in our writing lesson. We are becoming experts in axolotls!
We had 5 people from our class present at the whole school assembly on Wednesday at our Jubilee 2025, Year of Hope launch day. Well done to Daniel, Wenzo, Malakai and Mikey for sharing so confidently and reverently.
Ruby also presented with the Stewards of the Earth Committee. They were telling the school how to avoid wasting food. We are going to work on being a Good Friend by sitting with our friends until they are finished to avoid people throwing food away.
During Art with Mrs Murphy on Wednesday, we created an image of Stitch on paper then using the Chromebooks we created a digital version on Scratch. Then we were able to make a short animation using the character. Mrs Sutherland was blown away with our Digital Literacy skills!
On Thursday we learned about Chinese New Year, to celebrate the year of the snake we make slithering snakes and learned how to say some basic greetings. Ask us how to say hello in Chinese when we get home.