P5a 2024/2025

Mrs Paterson and Mrs Sutherland

January 30, 2025
by Mrs Sutherland

Week Ending 31st January.

On Tuesday we created an explanation of the Life Cycle of Axolotls in our writing lesson.  We are becoming experts in axolotls!

We had 5 people from our class present at the whole school assembly on Wednesday at our Jubilee 2025, Year of Hope launch day.  Well done to Daniel, Wenzo, Malakai and Mikey for sharing so confidently and reverently.

Ruby also presented with the Stewards of the Earth Committee.  They were telling the school how to avoid wasting food.  We are going to work on being a Good Friend by sitting with our friends until they are finished to avoid people throwing food away.

During Art with Mrs Murphy on Wednesday, we created an image of Stitch on paper then using the Chromebooks we created a digital version on Scratch.  Then we were able to make a short animation using the character.  Mrs Sutherland was blown away with our Digital Literacy skills!

On Thursday we learned about Chinese New Year, to celebrate the year of the snake we make slithering snakes and learned how to say some basic greetings.  Ask us how to say hello in Chinese when we get home.





January 30, 2025
by Mrs Sutherland

Week Ending 24th Jan

We performed our Learning Assembly to the whole school on Wednesday morning.  We were nervous but the boys and girls enjoyed it and Mr Hutcheson said our songs were catchy and fun!  He was impressed with how scientific we have become in P5.

This week we drafted our first piece of explanation writing.  We wrote about the Life Cycle of a frog. We are looking forward to creating more explanation writing.

The school was closed on Friday due to the storm we we could not perform to our family members.  We are looking forward to sharing our learning with you in a few weeks.  (Date tbc look out for emails!)



January 20, 2025
by Mrs Sutherland

Week Ending 17th January

This week we have been rehearsing for our Learning Assembly.  We can’t wait to share our learning with the school on the 23rd and our family on the 25th of January.

In PE, we continued working on rebound games.  We are focussing on tennis.  Today we were working in pairs rallying the tennis ball over the tennis net!

We have also started learning ceilidh dances in preparation for our Make Your Mark Experience.

We’ve started a new style of writing, explanation!  We can state the purpose and can identify the key features of explanation writing.

We were very lucky to have a very special teacher come into our class on Tuesday.  Mr Williams introduced to Luce, the official mascot of the 2025 Jubilee Pilgrims of Hope. Luce is part of the Luce and Friends collection alongside Fe, Xin, and Sky.  Mr Williams was luck enough to visit Rome during the holidays and was able to confident present to the class.

Not only did Mr Williams present to our class he visited both P3 classes to talk about the charity Mary’s Meals sharing his knowledge about them.  He was able to share what he has done to raise money for the charity and hopefully inspire some of the younger children in our school to do something similar!
Well done Mr Williams!!

January 10, 2025
by Mrs Sutherland

Food Waste! (WE 10th January)

Today the Stewards of the Earth Committee created a display outside to demonstrate how much food had been thrown away in the lunch hall over the week.
When reflecting on how this made us feel some of the words used were sick, ashamed and disgusted.


January 9, 2025
by Mrs Sutherland

P5 are Confident Individuals. WE 13th December

Some of the children have loved using their DLL playscripts to act out and share their story with the class. These confident individuals were able to take on the characters and deliver the lines with great expression aswell as follow the stage directions to act out and portray what was happening to them successfully.

We have also been using Drama during our Health and Wellbeing lessons to act out scenarios exploring what might happen next.

Our theme has been ‘What makes a Good Friend?’ We discussed ways in which we could solve the problem then acted out trying these strategies.

Everyone has been superb when performing by using their wonderful expressions when speaking as well as using their body language to really tell their story to the audience.

Great job!

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January 9, 2025
by Mrs Sutherland

Forest School. WE 20th December

We had our last week of Forest School before the winter holidays. The children have thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to use a saw and cut wood. They also learned how to tie and knot and some children enjoyed trying to use this knot to build dens during free play at our last session.

We have loved having Mr Fa-La-La-La-Laaa La-La-La-La lead us in these sessions!

(pictures to follow)

January 9, 2025
by Mrs Sutherland

Refuweegee Donation WE 20th December

We bagged up all the remaining pets from the P5 Pet shop and these little elves helped load them into Mrs Sutherland’s car.

We have donated these pets to the charity Refuweegee. Refuweegee is a charity that supports refugees arriving in Glasgow. Refugees are people that have been forced to leave their homes to find somewhere safe to live. Often arriving in the safe place with little or no possessions.

Thanks to our recycling event there will be will be children who have fled their homes arriving in Glasgow to a warm welcome from a soft toy waiting to give them a big hug!

Well done P5! What a lovely gift to give to other children.

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December 8, 2024
by Mrs Sutherland

Week Ending 6th December

This week we have been working on measurement in maths.  We got to estimate the length, weight and size of objects before getting to accurately measure them.  We have also been converting measurements too.  Ask us at home how many millimetres are in a centimetre and how many centimetres are in a metre and ask us to convert between them too.  We have been learning to read accurately from a scale too.  This was trickier.

As it is the First week of Advent we had a whole school Advent Assembly.  We also got to see p4 perform there assembly about how important trees are to our enviroment.  Well done P4.

In writing, we created a short story for our favourite teddy from the fair.  We had great ideas!  We hope our teddies are enjoying their new homes.

On Friday we spent some time identifying what makes a good friend.  Lots of people had different ideas but the general consensus for our class is that a good friend is trustworthy, loyal and kind.

December 8, 2024
by Mrs Sutherland

Christmas Fair 29th November

The P5 Pet Shop was a massive success!  Well done to the boys and girls who helped on the day to rehome the pets!

The experience was part of our P5 Make Your Mark experience to organise and run a school recycling event.  We created posters and adverts on Canva asking for donations of preloved soft toys to save the teddies going to landfill.

On the run up to the Christmas Fair, we were busy sorting out the donations into pet shop pets, raffle prize pets and lucky dip pets.  We had to advertise the stall by making more posters and presenting to classes and to the whole school at assembly to make sure people knew to visit our stall to Pick up a Pet!

Everyone worked hard on developing their creativity by naming and creating backstories for all of the pets. We had to be focused and work well as a team to ensure we were ready in time for the Christmas Fair.

Well done to everyone!

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