Numeracy Fun

The children in Primary 4b really enjoyed their Numeracy lesson today. They demonstrated confidence when they were sharing addition strategies during our Number Talks starter and worked well together to play and investigate a range of multiplication games.

Book Week Scotland 2022

As well as Anti Bullying Week, it is also Book Week Scotland!

We celebrated book week today in class by spending time investigating and discussing each other’s chosen books. It was very interesting to see the range of genres within the classroom and the children thoroughly enjoyed their chance to sample each other’s books😊.

Anti Bullying Week 2022

This week is Anti Bullying Week. In class we have been discussing the different types of bullying and how bullying can impact individuals. The children worked in groups to act out various scenarios and then answered questions from the audience whilst in the hot seat.

This week in Primary 4b some children very kindly brought in artefacts from home and items they have created at clubs to share with the class. We all thoroughly enjoyed looking at the wonderful coin collection from F and were amazed at how creative I was with her cross stitching. Well done and thank you to both of you 👏😊

Collaborative Working

Today the children started a collaborative project – to invent a new sweet treat for Mr Willy Wonka.

First step was to create team names and design team logos. The children came up with some great ideas! We have the Sweet Team, Chocolate Kings, Dino Dogs, Candy Lovers and Candy Stars.

The children then used Jam-boards to note down ideas for their sweets. Watch this space for cool new creations!

Friday Fun

Today the boys and girls in Primary 4b were creating a fruit salad using a range of skills such as peeling, slicing and grating. The children all really enjoyed tasting the different fruit and were able to discuss the importance of sustaining a balanced diet.

After lunch, and inspired by our class novel ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, the children made some yummy chocolate cakes. These were certainly a winner!

Well done also to our star of the week🌟.


Money, money & more money!

This week in Primary 4b the Numeracy & Mathematics focus has been on money. The children have enjoyed using digital technologies to enhance their learning and have worked together to investigate coins and notes to £20 as well as working out change, exploring money in the real world and completing a budget exercise.

They have been busy indeed!

Working Hard in Primary 4b!

The boys and girls have been working really hard in Primary 4b. They  enjoyed outdoor learning last week and were working hard as part of a team.

In PE today the children were working on their striking and fielding skills. They finished up the PE session with a fun game!

In Numeracy this week we are investigating money. Today the children were imagining they were out for a yummy dinner and identifying the different coins and notes they could use to pay for their meal.

Well done to our award winners! Keep up the hard work.



Digital Literacy Week

This afternoon we had an exciting input from some of the Digital Leaders, Kiera and Malik. They showed the class how to create a digital book cover for our topic study, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Thank you both!

Friday Round-up

It has been an eventful week in Primary 4b and the children are keen to share their favourite moments.

Alfie – I enjoyed the STEM challenge because we got to play and work with our friends.

Tatiana – I liked doing our writing, describing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Steven – I liked every day!

Anas – I liked when we did Art. We were using oil pastels to create an eye.

Shay – I liked when we did our mental maths.

Martin – I liked building the tower in the STEM challenge.

Ben – I enjoyed PE.

Grace – I liked music with Mrs Carey.

Well done to those children who received Growth Mindset and Star Pupil awards!



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