Family Presentations

P1b heard some more excellent family presentations today! Well done Clayton, Arya and Mohammed Almeer who spoke so clearly about their families to the rest of the class and were able to answer some very interesting questions. Well done!

Family presentations

P1b had another amazing presentation from Zara today! Zara told us lots of interesting facts about her family and she even had us researching some of her family’s favourite foods! Fantastic work Zara and brilliant questions again from the class!

Amazing architecture

P1b are celebrating some amazing construction in the class today! Kieva created a wonderful replica of St John’s church today and we thought it was brilliant! Well done Kieva!

Family Presentations

P1b heard 2 more presentations today from Mila and Martin! They both spoke so well about their families and were able to answer questions from the class after their presentations! Well done!

Atrium play!

Primary 1b has some new teachers taking on their own groups in the atrium! Clayton and Lorena were getting on with some number work with their friends during their play today. They has some brilliant conversation around how best to solve the problems they had written on the board. Well done you two!


Family presentations

Today Primary 1b began their presentations about their families! The children we heard from today spoke so confidently about their families and presented in such creative ways. Thanks as always to our families for their continued support 🙂 we are looking forward to hearing more tomorrow!


P1b are having a brilliant afternoon working together with Primary 6 to make some amazing constructions with the Kapla blocks! P1 worked in their learning buddies to decide on their designs and then worked together with P6 to have a go at constructing them. What a fantastic afternoon, thank you for helping us P6!

World Book Day Bookbug!

P1b have enjoyed a Bookbug session this morning with Mrs Carwood to finish off World Book week! We sang lots of songs and said lots of rhymes and we also read The Jumblebum which we thought was a brilliant book!

World Book Day 3!

Before lunch time we had a brilliant time outside on a book quiz scavenger hunt! We worked with a partner to answer questions and work out where to find the next clues. We had a brilliant time!



World Book Day 2!

We have continued our World Book Day celebrations in Primary 1b by reading some of our favourite books and then by creating our own storyboards! We decided whether we wanted to work on our own or in a pair and had a think about what we wanted our stories to be about. We broke our stories down in to 6 pieces, ensuring we had a beginning, middle and end. We then were able to tell our stories to our friends!

Fantastic work P1b!

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