Cardboard Creations

Inspired by Darrel Wakelam, p5b have been getting creative with cardboard and masking tape.  They were developing their engineering skills as they independently followed a set of instructions to create their masterpieces.
Once complete, they let their creative minds take over by designing the sea creatures appearance and the background. There was a variety of tools used to create the patterns including finger painting, splattering with paint brushes, blending with oil pastels and watercolour pencils too.

They then created characters with their creations, researched facts about the sea creatures and have been working together to create stories us their creations.

They are looking forward to bringing these stories to life with our sea creatures!

The children are really leading their learning with this project!

WB 10th June

THIS WEEK we took part in ‘St Marks does the Euros’  at our school.  We played against the other P5 class in the MUGA to celebrate the start of the Euro’s.

On Thursday we had a visitor called Gary he works for GRAHAM.  We made lollypop stick bridges .And we tested them by placing plastic bottles on them to see if they will be strong or not.

By Arya and Hawaa.


WB 3.6.24

During drama on Monday we acted out a story about the sea turtles we made last week.  All of the groups made up different stories! Then on Tuesday we made our plan for our writing lesson using these ideas. On Wednesday we watched the p6 learning  assembly  then we did a little Spanish to consolidate our knowledge of numeros 1-10.  We learned how to use protractors to measure angles in maths .

We continued our  one point perspective in art with Mrs Mclntyre on Thursday. After that we wrote the story about our sea turtles and we were helping each other  with ideas and suggesting ways to up level our sentences.  We started to make our own cardboard sea creatures  at the end of the day on Thursday. We looked at Darrell Wakelam’s website to choose which creature we wanted to make.  We are working with a partner to create them this time.  We continued them on Friday after our P5 game of Dodgeball P5a v P5b then we played p5 girls v p5 boys!

by Lorena and Alfie.

Oil and water investigation

As part of our Make Your Mark experience to explore Global Goal 14 Life Below Water, P5 took part in an experiment to see what would happen when oil spills into the sea.  We reused single-use plastic bottles to explore what would happen when oil mixed with water.  We made predictions and observed if they would mix.  Once the oil settled we added food colouring and a effervescent tablet to create lava lamps.  We had great fun watching the bubbles rise and pop!


To further develop our knowledge about Global Goal 14, the children created their own BIG questions.  They worked with a partner to inquire and develop their critical thinking skills to research and find out their answer.  P5 confidently presented their findings to each other.  Some children chose to share the information by creating a model, some chose to create a PowerPoint Presentation , others made posters and some groups even included a quiz.

P5 have been working on lots of their Meta Skills during this topic!

Mrs Sutherland is very proud of you all!

Congratulations to Jessica!


Jessica was awarded the Brownie Brown award for sharing her knowledge on germination and caring for her sunflower seed we planted in class in March.

We are so proud of you for developing your leadership skills by sharing your learning with your Brownies.

The Brownies Bronze award badge is awarded by a unit leader when a Brownie has completed two section theme awards from the Girl guiding programme.

WB 28th May

This week we have been up to some very exciting work . On Thursday the class made some turtles out of carboard and paper plates , then on Friday we painted these turtles and all of them turned out very creative and unique . For our art on Thursday we finished our self portraits and started on a one point perspective artwork  and  we drew our buildings in this session and next week we were going to finish the other side of the artwork . On Friday we done dodgeball and we all had a great time . We had a very creative week !

by: Jessie and Martin

WB 11th March

This week our main focus is time with STEM because it is British Stem Week.  We had a visitor who is a doctor.  She told us about her job and how she has to manage her time to ensure that the patients get the care they need on time.

On Monday, we researched and drafted our Diversity Champion fact files after  STEM filled morning.

On Tuesday, in the morning we did PE for PE  we had a bike obstacle course.  There were ramps , balance beams and seesaws .

We had a workshop with the STEM leaders.  They taught us how to make cars out of lollipop sticks and plastic lids and we timed them rolling down a ramp.  We then used a formula to work out the speed the car travelled.

On Thursday we used the Microbits during technologies.

On Friday we practiced for our Learning Assembly and took part in Live STEM workshop where we learned about an underground lab.

We have brought our jotters home today to show our families at home.  We must bring them back to school on Monday

By Ivy and Anas.


Week 16 and 17 Learning

We have had a very busy 2 weeks at school!  Here are some of the things that have been happening inside our class.

Today we could wear our Christmas jumpers to school we loved seeing everyone looking so bright and colourful!  Some jumpers had lights and music and some people had Christmas themed headbands!!

This morning we visited p6 for their ‘Grow £5’ event!  What an amazing amount of products and events to take part in.  Our favourites were the hot chocolate cones, the bracelets and the reindeer balloons.   Mrs Sutherland loved the ‘Knock the Santa Cups down’ stall, she thought it was a great idea to have things to do and not only things to buy! Very creative!

We took part in a live event about the Ancient Egyptians.  It was pretty interesting because it taught us about artefacts and we learned about a new artefact called a ‘Shabti’.  A small Egyptian figure that was placed in the sarcophagus with the mummy to help remind the person to carry out specific tasks in the afterlife.
We got to ask the presenter questions which he answers LIVE!!  We were excited to see Primary 5a also ask questions!   We saw a sarcophagus, canopic jars and some other artefacts which are usually displayed in the museum.

Our writing focus this term has been information writing.  Last week, we wrote about Brilliant Barrhead sharing lots of information about where we live, the Dams to Darnley and the Foundry.   This week we independently wrote a piece  about the Egyptians using all the knowledge we had learned about them since August.

In music, we learned to play ‘Jingle Bells’ and ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’ on glockenspiel and bells.   We had to listen to each other and work together to keep the rhythm.

In DLL, our readings book have been play scripts.  We have been working on expression and pace when reading out loud the plays to each other.   We then started acting them out developing our understanding of a character.  On Monday we are going to be performing them to everyone in the class.  During independent learning time, some people enjoyed having a chance to act out other people’s scripts too!  We are really enjoying acting and doing drama with our literacy lessons.

During our independent learning time, we have been doing measurement with the Kapla blocks, creating intricate Christmas themed models with the Kapla such as making Santa’s house, a church and Santa’s elves with lego.  With the circuit board we made the fan spin and it flew.  We have been busy designing an app for the Make it Happen Festive App competition!! We have been using our creative skills, thinking skills and problem solving skills.

On Friday afternoon we were invited to watch the dress rehearsal of the primary 2 Nativity!  We are so proud of our family and friends in p2 who performed confidently and were fabulous and entertaining!

Our Health and Well being lessons are on the theme of Relationships this term.  So far we have focused on how to be a good friend and  showing empathy.  We enjoyed identifying the qualities that would make a perfect friend and then creating the perfect potion with these ingredients!  We also enjoyed acting out scenarios showing empathy to others.

Enjoy your weekend,

Alfie, Arya and Mrs Sutherland.

See Google Classroom for videos of music and photos of our creations.

WB 11th September -Week 5 Forest School and Technologies

At forest school we have been learning how to tie knots and to make shelters water proof.

By Lilja.


We’ve been learning to code in technologies with Mrs Guy.  We used the programme called ‘Scratch’. We made a bus drive but Scratch the cat was late and didn’t get the bus on time however the flying hippo did get there in time!

We were using our digital skills and we were focusing to remember the codes.

By Steven.





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