Make £5 grow We played a board game to help with our money skills and how to deal use it sensibly . It was so fun to do and play. We will be making business to sell products.
Category Archives: Social studies
February 20, 2020
by Farrell
Comments Off on VR Rome
VR Rome
P3a exploring Ancient Rome through our VR headsets.
February 20, 2020
by Farrell
Comments Off on Roman Legionaries
Roman Legionaries
Our Roman legionaries designed and created their own shields. They then tested them out in battle using the testudo formation!
February 20, 2020
by Farrell
Comments Off on Election Day
Election Day
P3a enjoyed crating their own political parties on Election Day and campaigned to get elected to our class House of Commons. Well done to all the parties who will now work together in a P3a coalition.
February 20, 2020
by Farrell
Comments Off on Building Roman Forts
Building Roman Forts
After learning about Roman forts, P3a worked so well together creating a boy’s fort, a girl’s fort and a whole class fort.
February 20, 2020
by Farrell
Comments Off on Roman Chariots
Roman Chariots
After learning about Roman chariot racing, P3a showed great teamwork and creativity building their own chariots.
October 4, 2019
by Farrell
Comments Off on Roman Cooking Materials
Roman Cooking Materials
During their day of Roman cooking, P3a enjoyed exploring and handling ancient Roman cooking materials. The boys and girls were very imaginative sharing their thoughts on what these may have been used for.
October 4, 2019
by Farrell
Comments Off on Roman Food and Drink Taste Test
Roman Food and Drink Taste Test
P3a all did so well trying new foods that the ancient Romans would have had. The bread they baked was a hit but the posca didn’t go down so well!
Planting potatoes
Today, as our final activity in our Farming and Fairtrade topic, we planted our own potatoes.
Fairtrade talk
We had a visitor today in Primary 2 to tell us a little more about our topic, Fairtrade. One of our parents, Mr Mariner, is an employee of Co-op supermarket which sells a large range of Fairtrade products and is … Continue reading