Primary 2 were honoured this month by being asked to decorated St John’s Church display for May, the month of Mary. The children wanted to include a picture of Mary as well as some blue flowers for Mary. We also … Continue reading
Category Archives: P7a
Reading for enjoyment
Following our Foundry library visit last week, we have really been enjoying reading the books we selected ourselves. All these new books have also helped to fill Matilda’s shelf, our reading for enjoyment classroom display.
Foundry visit
Tomorrow we are visiting the library at the Foundry. This will be our fourth visit this year and we will get the chance to take out more books to read in class.
Digital Learning Week
Today we were taking part in an event to mark Digital Learning Week. We were exploring a range of digital technologies from stop motion animation to Virtual Reality headsets.
2D shapes and 3D objects
This week we have been exploring 2D shapes and 3D objects. We have been learning the properties of shapes using the terms shape, faces, edges and corners. We can talk about individual shapes and objects, and create our own worlds … Continue reading
Outdoor maths
Today we took our Math’s lesson outside. We were learning about using non-standard and standard units to measure length using sticks and metre sticks. We particularly enjoyed the 3 meters stick art challenge where we were only allowed to use … Continue reading
Term 3 Homework
The children of Primary 2 will be coming home today with their new Term 3 Homework instructions glued into their homework jotters. This term we are trialing weekly homework rather than daily homework. This means the children can complete the … Continue reading
PE Kits
At Wednesday’s assembly, it was announced that Primary 2a were the winners of the PE kit competition. This means that Primary 2a had the most amount of children wearing their PE kits during PE lessons. Their reward for this great … Continue reading
Fairtrade Competition again
Mr Mariner and his colleagues at the Coop thought that all the children of Primary 2 did so well in the Fairtrade chocolate wrapper competition that they gave all the children a runner up prize of a chocolate egg. Thank … Continue reading
Fairtrade Wrapper Competition
Last month, during his visit were he talked to Primary 2 about Fairtrade, Mr Mariner set the children a task. He asked them to design their very own Fairtrade chocolate bar wrapper and made the task a competition. Yesterday, we … Continue reading