Primary 7a 23/24

Follow our last year of learning in St. Mark's!


Each Monday and Wednesday the children are given spelling homework made up of 8 to 10 words in total. These words are used in the Spelling assessment that is carried out in class every Friday, so it is very important that these words are practised at home.

There are lots of fun ways you can help your child with this. If you child is having difficult with the sounds of the letters, Jolly Phonics have a great free app that provides help with the sound and formation of letters, as well as the song and actions that go with them.  Jolly Phonics is the phonic scheme that your child has been using in school since Primary 1, so they will be very familiar with it.

This website, Reading Eggs,  provides lots of fun activities that can be used to help your child with spelling at home. As you can see from this website, spelling doesn’t need to be boring but practice is the key to confident spelling.



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